Third Quarter

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It was January 29th, the day before Yvette and Lily's birthday. It was also the day of the full moon.

Yvette felt absolutely horrible. Nausea, headaches, blocked nose, more tired than ever. She wouldn't wish this feeling on her worst enemy.

Remus felt the exact same, that gut-wrenching feeling. Knowing this is how your going to feel once a month for the rest of your life. Till the day you die.

Remus woke up bright and early on the Saturday at 11:30am. He woke to sounds of clattering coming from somewhere in the room. He opened his eyes and saw Peter in the corner of the room having a pillow fight with Sirius.

James was no where to be seen. Probably at Quidditch Training as they had a game against Hufflepuff coming up.

"Not fair! You can't use the Archies record as a shield!" Peter complained. Sirius laughed deviously and knocked over yet another tower of record albums.

Remus groaned realising he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep. He sat up and pulled back his curtains. "Your extremely loud. I hope you know that," The tall werewolf yawned.

Both heads snapped in his direction. "Sorry Moony, we forgot you were here." Sirius replied sheepishly, knowing his mate was very tired.

"Thanks," Remus rolled his eyes and swung his feet onto the cold floorboards. He stretched out his long limbs, extending his arms to almost touch the top of his bed. Everything was sore, and he felt detrimental.

Sirius rummaged through his trunk while humming a song, not paying attention.

"Is James at quidditch?" He asked, getting up and walking over to the bathroom.

"Yeah, reckons Hufflepuffs got no chance." Peter replied.

Remus laughed. For as long as he could remember, James's passion for two things were incredibly strong. One, get Lily Evans to date him. And two, become the best quidditch player ever.

He had accomplished neither of those things.

"Is it almost lunch?" Remus walked back out of the bathroom with brushed teeth and some presentable clothes. By presentable clothes he meant a sweater and some brown jeans.

"Yup," Sirius replied, popping the 'p'.

"Let's go eat then, might as well." The tall scarred boy walked with long strides towards the door.

Sirius and Peter followed in pursuit.

"Aren't you on the quidditch team Sirius?" Peter asked the boy once they were in the common room.

"Yeah why?" He replied looking straight ahead.

"Isn't there quidditch practice right now?" Peter questioned once again.

Sirius's eyes widened and he paused in the exit way of the Gryffindor common room. "Shit." He picked up the pace and pulled out his wand. "Accio broom," His Nimbus 1600 came flying from their dorm all the way out to him. He jumped on and flew his way out to the Quidditch pitch.

"I knew something felt odd," Peter laughed and the two boys continued on their way to the Great Hall.

They walked in through the big doors and the sky was bewitched to be sunny, with clouds scattering the sky. They walked over to the gryffindor table and tried looking for anyone familiar.

To the far end of the table, Marlene and Lily sat, in deep conversation about some random topic. The boys walked over and sat down opposite them.

Remus immediately noticed the missing presence of Yvette.

To the Moon and Back (Remus Lupin)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz