"Umm.. Are you sure it will fit me?" Surbhi asked.

Disha frowned at her question.

"Why it won't fit you?" Disha asked.

"Hehe I was just asking." Surbhi said.

"Ok now go and try." Disha said while dragging her near the changing room.

Surbhi entered the room and closed the door.

"I can't try this. I will ruin this dress if it won't fit me. And I don't have money to pay for this either." Surbhi said while staring at the lehnga.

"No no I won't try this." She said.

She grabbed that lehnga and came out of the room.

Disha was standing there.

"Disha please understand it won't fit me. I am too fat for this dress. And this is also very expensive. Please try to understand." Surbhi said in a calm voice.

Surbhi was getting anxious again because of her body image idea  about herself. She believed that she is fat and ugly. Because everyone around her said so. Nah no to this Surbhi but too that kid who lost herself in their judgement, to the kid who starve herself for days just to become skinny, to the kid who was bullied for her brown skin tone and acne, who was convinced that love is not for her.

"Who told you this shitty thing? Who told you that you are fat? You are literally perfect. You are the most beautiful and kindest soul I have ever meet. Please don't say this about yourself." Disha said and hugged Surbhi.

"Now go and try this dress. And put that shitty thoughts out. I dare you to disrespect my best friend once again." Disha said.

Surbhi smiled a little and nodded.

After 5 minutes Surbhi came out of the changing room..

"OH MY GOD." Disha shouted.

Ekansh who was talking on the call at some distance ran after hearing her voice.

"See told ya My bestie is prettiest." Disha said and grabbed Surbhi's both hand.

Ekansh came and saw Disha and Surbhi. He was relieved that nothing happened to Disha.

"Now go and stand there. I will click a photo of you." Disha said.

"Please don't." Surbhi said.

"What please.??" Disha asked.

"Photo. I don't like clicking photo." Surbhi said while looking down.

"But I like capturing beautiful things on my camera." Disha said.

"Disha please." Surbhi was pleading but Disha was dragging her.

"No please. Now stand here." Disha said.

Disha stand at some distance and took out her phone.

"Smile beautiful lady." Disha said.

Surbhi smiled.

Disha clicked her photos.

"See how beautiful I click?" Disha said showing Surbhi the photos.

Surbhi smiled as it was the first time she was clicked not clicking.

"Thank you. For photos and for being my friend." Surbhi said and hugged Disha.

"Don't make me emotional. My makeup will spoil." Disha hugged her back.

Ekansh was watching all this. A small smile formed on his lips.

They broke the hug.

"Ekansh bhai come here please." Disha said when she saw Ekansh standing there.

Ekansh went near them.

"See Surbhi is looking beautiful isn't it?" Disha asked.

Surbhi was looking down.

Ekansh stared at her. 'Beautiful.' Words slipped from his mouth.

Surbhi suddenly lifted her head after hearing his statement.

"See told ya." Disha said and laughed.

"Anyways let's go." Ekansh said after he realized what he just said. He was shocked himself.

"I will change this and come." Surbhi said.

"Why will you?" Disha asked.

"I didn't like it that much." Surbhi said.

"Ok if it that you want."Disha said.

" Let's go." Ekansh said and they all went toward cashier where Minakshi was also present.

Ekansh payed . And they all went outside.

"Good night Surbhi beta." Minakshi said.

"Good night aunty." Surbhi replied.

"Good night babes." Disha said.

"Good night Dishu." Surbhi said.

"Wait Surbhi. It's late. How will you go?" Disha asked and smirked internally.

"By Auto." Surbhi said casually.

"But it's not safe." Disha said again.

"Only thing that is not safe is my money." Surbhi said.

"Huh?" Disha said.

"Yes nowadays auto drivers take 50 rupees. This is loot." Surbhi said.

"Ekansh bhai will drop her. He is going that way so." Disha said and Surbhi looked at her direction.

"Good idea Disha. Ekansh will drop you Surbhi." Minakshi said.

"But-" Surbhi was saying but Ekansh cut her off.

"Let's Go Ms.Sharma." Ekansh said and went toward his car.

Disha just nodded and went with him.

Ekansh and Surbhi were in the car. The whole ride was silent. No one spoke a word.

After 15 minutes of ride Ekansh reached Surbhi's house.

"Good night sir." Surbhi said and get off the car.

Ekansh just nodded in response and drove off to his mansion.

Soo that's it for today.

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See ya very soon~💕

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