|~•Am i... Dead?•~|

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I woke up in a dimly lit room the lights were just bright enough to see the Entrance, I fully awoke Realizing I was tied to a hardwood chair.

I started to panic knowing that I was in my mothers snobby vacation house in Florida, I was in the guest room.

It was so... Bare and the light pink walls now its original grey color white paint splattered across the wall, as torn bits of carpet lay against the floor sticking out like a sore thumb.

"hello?" I called out tears starting to form in my eyes. There was no answer just silence.

I tried to get up but I was again, tied. Where was my father in all this? Did he know at all??

"Hello??" I called out again as a woman's voice faintly echoed through the door, She opened it with a smile on her face.

"Glad to see your awake." That voice sounds so familiar she- this can't be.

"Mom?, You look so... Different" I gazed at her new blonde hair looked to be freshly dyed.

She walked up to me her pretty blue eyes softened "Sweetheart we've looked all over for you why did you leave?" I sighed

"I was just getting food and took a shortcut but i-" she cut me off with an angered stare

"Boys." Shit.

She smiled "your a slut you know that? You were picked up by some who you think is 'dreamy' Emo fucking guy." 

Remi chuckled as two of her bodyguards walked in one holding a belt with tasers on it and the other with nothing just washed bare hands and some gloves.

"I have a few questions for y-" I cut her off "I was kidnapped please believe me Im not lying!" I knew I did the wrong thing.

"You, Tase her" she demanded as the man to the left Tased me he laughed as he did it What a psychopath.

I grunted slightly barely flinching as I've been through worse.

"Now those questions.." She smiled "I have a few rules so do be scared" the narcissistic bitch of course she does.

"One NEVER interrupt me or you know what'll happen." She whispered in my ear side eyeing her bodyguards with a grin on her face backing up.

"Two, If I catch you being a smart ass you'll find out." She glanced at the mans washed bare hands.


"Third and very last, Dont ever try to escape got that? And that pretty boy toy of yours, He won't know where we are your phones location is off and he doesn't know where I put you." She smiled asking me a question

"Why exactly did you wanna leave?" I opened my mouth to speak but made sure she wasn't continuing first.

I took a big gulp and started talking "I didn't I was kidnapped Please dont do anything I promise I was telling the truth!" I spit it all out, all of it at once. 

"is that so?, Well alright if you insist" she continued.

"Are you planning on leaving at all?" She grabbed my chin, pulling it up so I would see her face and let go.

"no ma'am." I answered quietly I knew I wasn't leaving but, johnnie had to have been following us... Right?

"speak up." She Yelled "No Ma'am" I hated being yelled at. "good" she smiled walking towards the door.

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