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~3rd POV~

Lexi wrote in her notebook like it was a diary she loved to do this it read. 

 "Day 375, I imagined living with jake and johnnie would be all hell unleashed but Its pretty nice.

 I hate Im giving in but, I love being away from my parents Johnnies, Well.. redeemed the feeling of getting away for awhile I've been here a year i love it considering I was 'kidnapped' I still like it here, Thats probably bad. Oh johnnie just knocked on my door".

she got up forgetting to close her notebook as, she opened the door to see a tall man towering over  her.

(☝🤓NGL POOKIES JOHNNIES PRETTY SHORT) "how do ya like the new place?!" Johnnie smiled 

"Its Aight!" Johnnie planted a kiss on her forehead and left the room Leaving Lexis behind, Her face was red, sad they dont do that very often. 

Lexi fell asleep.


I woke up in a dark claustrophobic space I was crammed in what seemed to be a box with a sheet on it, with breathing holes?

I banged on the 'ceiling' trying to get out.

No luck

I tried to scream

My mouth was gagged

I felt weak, I was more wasting time thinking than getting out.

 Lexi! Focus!

Me: "Help!" I yelled out as loud as possible, I heard johnnie screaming faintly, I started to cry at the thought I wouldn't see him again. "Johnnie!?" I yelled some how louder

???: "oh shut up will you?" A deep voice called out It almost sounded like my father's-.....

Me: "shit." No no This can't be "who is this?" I asked hesitantly.

???: "someone by the name of your father's bodyguard came to pick you up from that.." He paused "Rat of a criminal" 

Me: "Well if you really must know I am a criminal!" I yelled "I chose to participate in killing people Innocent people can't pick me up now can ya?" The man chuckled 

???: "Well kid you've proved yourself, You inherited your mothers genes well we are all criminals your whole family will you shut the hell up??" 

I stayed quiet falling back asleep, I didn't wanna But I had to I was already sleep deprived I can't make it worse.

(Earlier 3RD POV)

The man stepped in the house making his way to Lexi's room, His boss had planted cameras in there house but no one knew.

He swiftly grabbed Lexi and made a run for it shortly after johnnie woke up and went to greet Lexi but he couldn't find her. 

Johnnie, As worried as he was heard a car roaring away He stepped outside hoping it was just Tara picking her up, but all he saw was a big box with holes in it and a sheet plastered on it.

"LEXI!" He screamed tears forming in his eyes as he ran as fast as possible his eyesight started to go black he couldn't breathe he had to stop. 

Jake came out of the house wondering what the commotion was about Johnnie told him everything and soon the word was spread around

Lexi was gone. Possibly Forever?. 



Sanity| Johnnie GuilbertTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang