|~•Mission success?•~|

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I woke up at about 8:30

I took a shower put on the dr. Martens, skinny jeans, A black shirt, and a black hoodie because it was definitely cold outside.

I grabbed my backpack and put Notebooks, pens, food and extra clothing in it.

I smiled happy with what I've done and paced around the room until I was sure johnnie was asleep

A few hours later I heard soft snoring so I took my boots off and booked it. I put a sticky note on the wall saying " Fuck you " with a huge dick beside the sentence. I smiled and walked 

I quietly opened and closed the door using the money I gathered over the past few days buying a bus ticket to anywhere but here leaving me with 78 dollars left

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I quietly opened and closed the door using the money I gathered over the past few days buying a bus ticket to anywhere but here leaving me with 78 dollars left.

I walked to the bus stop and wait for a few.

I walked on the bus looking at a familiar man I thought nothing of it so I just sat on a seat.

?????: " Where ya headed to? " the man asked sternly.

Me: " Uh anywhere in town I guess?? Just anywhere but here please. " I pleaded wanting to leave this hell hole at all costs..

?????: " got it.. "

I patiently waited for us to get to the destination

A few minutes passed by I was tired and excited all the same.

We stopped at a sketchy alley way I wondered what was going on

I still thought nothing of it .

?????: " Get off. " I got off confused the man following Behind me.

I heard a pistol cock and I fell silent.

?????: " Where's johnnie guilbert? Heard of him.? " A deep voice that echoed in my head over and over.

Johnnie guilbert

I let out a deep breath and grabbed my pocket gun just in case

Me: " No but I have heard of being seriously injured! " I said energetically lifting my leg behind me kicking the man in the balls smiling cocking the gun I had,

ready to walk away I had heard the sounds of three pistols cocked and probably ready to shoot me.

I shot one man. Unfortunately he was the only one I could see

??????: " Why hello there..! " I heard from behind me.

I felt breathing on my kneck. along with pressure on the back my head and a gag was placed in my mouth I was held captive.......... again great.

I kicked my Legs struggling to breathe and leave the mans grasp 


I fell to the ground then getting up my boots seeping in blood. I started to gag 

I hate blood I hate everything about it 

There were chunks of what Im assuming is flesh and bits of bone in it.

I hesitantly looked behind me to see a man in his forties laying on the ground with a hole in his chest I walked out of the puddle my body feeling weak.

I sat down with tears in my eyes realizing that I just killed a bunch of people

???: " how the fuck did you get here? " A deep voice echoed from in the alley way behind me.

Me: " who is this? " I said sniffling holding the gun in my hand

Johnnie: " Me john- " I heard groaning and squishy sounds coming from behind me.

I started to breathe heavily at the sight in fear I just shot the man 

I stared at johnnie and helped him up only to realize the knife in his side.

Me: " what the fuck johnnie! " I sighed in anger and relief at the same time removing the knife and Putting pressure on the wound with a leather jacket. 

Johnnie: " Can you drive by any chance? " johnnie said I nodded

Johnnie: " Cool Mind driving my car to the base? " I nodded in confusion 

I set him in the backseat buckling the seatbelt

He gave me his phone with directions to this so called


About 25-30 minutes later we came to a stop.

I saw three large two story buildings.

I unbuckled johnnie we got out of the car and he put in the code to get in while I kept pressure on the wound.

????: " Sup dude " A man with a mullet smiled at johnnie with a wheelchair next to him.

Johnnie: " Nothing just fighting your everyday stab wound " he joked with the man.

Me: " uh cool but can we help his wound Im stressing right now!! " I spit out words slurring them together considering how fast I was talking.

????: " He's fine much worse has happened! " the man smiled taking us into a room.

????: " Hey johnnie want a cupcake? " the man asked holding a box of cupcakes

He nodded and received his cupcake

Johnnie: " son of a bitch " He whined in pain while Mr. Mullet cleaned his wound

????: " sorry " he apologized worry in his voice.

After a few minutes Girly mullet man left johnnie to stitch his cut himself.

Johnnie cursed under his breath finishing up the last stitch.

We got home and I fell asleep after a very traumatic night of horror and sadness?



Chapter ideas?

Anyway sorry for the short chapters:)

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