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its been an Awful start of my year first my legal guardians and there Millions of fans are looking for me.

Second Im Sure colbys looking for me as well, According to johnnie he is.

And best for last my Guardians are searching California wow what a suprise.

Heh boo fuckin hoo they can't find me, Im glad they can't really my adoptive mother switched me with her real child because I was 'prettier' and my father sexually abused me my whole life well until 18 of course thats how it goes I guess.




Me: "Come in!" I smiled seeing johnnies head poke through the crack in the door.

Johnnie: "Hey uh we need to leave." I nodded

Add that to the fucking list..

I sighed.

More stress. 

Me: "Okay! I am already dressed, are we going to Virginia now? Or are we staying in this wacky ass cabin for a few more days?" I asked, a sarcastic tone filling my voice.

Johnnie: "Were leaving holy smokes." Johnnie snickered and left before I got my bags completely packed.

I went into the bathroom in the room and stared at my body in the mirror. 


I didn't notice I was crying until I looked at my arm.

I stared at the old cuts, and scars that I hid for so long

Cuts that I re-open..... .. . A lot.

I stared at the razor johnnie hid on the shelf above my bed I started to shake hearing the familiar voices in my head.


I sat on my bed.



I blacked out an image started to play over and over



????: "LEXIS RAE SHULTZ!" My mother screamed at me.

Me: "I didn't do anything mom!" I cried staring in her angered eyes.

Mother: "YOU LIT-... Hey baby" she broke off as my father walked in the door drunk as usual

If I walk away it'll all go away

If I walk away it'll all go away..


Father: "LEXI COME BACK" I broke down in tears following his orders.

Me: "Yes father." 

Father: "Let me see your wrist?" I gave him my hand hesitating at first showing him the fresh cuts on my wrist

Father: "ah I see still cutting? Where is the knife" I walked over to to kitchen grabbing him a bloodied knife.

Me: "Ow ow dad Please don't!" I cried The knife going deeper into my skin. 

Father: "Shut it I'll give you something TO cry about!" 

Me: "No no please please" I cried harder my body shaking with fear I stared at the blood on the floor..

 My blood.

I snapped out of it and stared to cry I put down johnnies razor as he walked in the room

Johnnie: "Hey hey hey. Whats wrong" he had a worried expression on his face seeing the razor on the floor.

Me: "I - fl-flash b-backs" I cried harder as he hugged me.

It seemed genuine. 

Johnnie: "Ptsd?" I nodded remembering all the horrible things my gaurdians did to me.


I set my head on hers as she cried into my chest.

Her body went limp and I heard soft snores a few minutes after

I stared at the ceiling wonderine what happened that- nevermind.

I started to fall asleep when jake walked in.

Jake: "Hey where you crying?" I shook my head carefully moving lexi to the side.

Johnnie: "Nah Lexis just had a.. Flashback?" I said questioning my own words.

Jake: "Oh were all ready to go." I nodded

Johnnie: "Meet you downstairs I think we should wait a bit she seemed really upset." Jake nodded and I followed him downstairs explaining what had happened.



Sanity| Johnnie GuilbertWhere stories live. Discover now