May 16th 2024: From good to bad

Start from the beginning

But today 2 of my friends and I went to a place called 'Ginny's' which was just 2 miles from where I live currently. It's a place where they add flavorings and other good things to your favorite fountain drinks which is kind of like Twisted Sugar but cheaper and closer. Many different drinks are named after road-related things or similar. The one I got is called the 'Radiator' which is a blend of a citrus soda (like Mountain Dew) with mango and strawberry purée, I'm all about mangos so you will clearly see me choosing that as a flavoring if they have it.

But anyway my friends brought their old dog with them which I think is the sweetest thing I've seen anyone do. I love dove and cats equally. Even if I do get frustrated with my animals sometimes I love them dearly as members of my family.

We all order our drinks. I got mine last because I do put my friends first no matter what (quite literally in this case). And we sit down at one of two tables with umbrellas and enjoy our sweet treats. We of course talk about a few things such as driving, memes, food from shows we like, and stuff like that. I even mentioned that the Sunday after Saint Patrick's Day I would make pizza from Spider Man and a spider man themed ice cream cake. Well... only because my brother wanted to see if I can do that and you know what... I think I can.

Eventually we leave the area because our other friends were meeting up at a Mexican restaurant in town. As we go we discuss a few things along the way including alcohol. I mentioned I did try cherry cream rum before and well... it was supposed to be sweet but it tasted a little like cough syrup.

Side note I've combined cherry rum with Major Melon Mountain Dew and well... it wasn't necessarily the best but not necessarily the worst either.

By the time we get to the restaurant I discover that in a week or two from now they were going to have their dog... well... put to sleep. I felt sympathy because I know what it's like to go through the death of a family member let alone a dog like 3 times. It's not fun and believe me we're never ready for that kind of thing. If my friends are reading this by chance I will let you know that you have my best regards for you and your dog.

But anyway eventually we get inside the restaurant and I meet with my other friends which booked a seat in the far corner. It was packed in there after all. I sit down with them and we eat. I ordered steak tortes with Dr Pepper as a drink (a little more caffeine than I usually drink but hey I needed the energy today). I enjoyed eating or talking with my friends and one of them even considered helping me with character development I'm doing for a fairy Oc I'm working on currently. I am more than happy to share what I've got so far and am excited to see how they do with it. I'm open to ideas as long as it's not terminating the idea altogether (unless for some reason we just don't see it working at all).

But more importantly I was just glad to be with friends even if this is what we do most of every time we hang. But hey! What else would we do?

Hectic Work:

Eventually and shortly after being with my friends I was taken to work.

The job I have right now is basically putting away women's and children's clothing while also learning how to get a better job. So basically it's a training job.

So far it started okay-ish although everything got a little rough when I forgot my water bottle at home. To be fair I was learning to drive at the time and forgot to bring it with. I resorted to buying a Gatorade bottle from the vending machine to use to keep me hydrated. Luckily I do love me some Gatorade so I didn't mind. Things got a little better when cupcakes and cookies were available so I did help myself to just one of each and saved them in my locker for later. (I didn't want a case of indigestion).

But then when I got to work things seemed the same as usual and started off nicely. But then it started going crazy when the return racks started getting piled up with clothes and there were hardly anyone working on it besides me and the other 3. To make it worse two of my team-members had to go an hour before closing time which made things even more hectic.

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