extreme aggressor

28 1 0

luna andrews 

agent with the bau

For heavens sake catch me before I kill more I cannot control myself  Dor heavens sake catch me before I kill more I cannot control myself...

The unsub left the message behind on the victim's computer, repeating the same words. As I sat in a window seat on the B.A.U jet, I couldn't take my eyes off the words, trying to envision the unsub from these words alone—a battle within himself, begging for someone to stop him. 

"His first victim was 26-year-old Melissa Kirsh." Spencer Reid starting to speak broke my concentration, and I looked at him, Derek Morgan and Aaron Hotchner already looking at him. Jason Gideon walked over to us. Spencer continued reading off of the file, "Stab wounds, strangulation."

"Wait, wait. Back up. Back up." Morgan interrupts, Reid looking up at him, "He stabbed her... and then strangled her to finish her off?" 

My eyebrows raised, seeing what point Morgan was making. 

"Other way around." Now it was Gideon who was speaking, his first time being in the field in six months, "Why do you think he started using the belt with the second murder?"

"Strangulation with your bare hands is not as easy as one would believe," I spoke up, clearing my throat after not speaking for so long. Spencer made eye contact with me and nodded, agreeing with me silently. 

"Andrews is right," Spencer said, "He tried, probably found that it took too long..."

"So, he stabbed her instead," Morgan added. 

"And realized it would be hours cleaning up the blood," Hotchner said, not looking at anyone as he said this. 

Morgan spoke again, "Next time, our boy's got a method--the belt." 

Gideon nodded and looked over at Morgan, "He's learning, perfecting his scenario." 

I sighed and leaned back, "He's becoming a better killer." 

The rest of the jet ride included some soft conversation between Gideon, Hotch, and Morgan. Spencer sat on his own looking over the files, his finger skimming across the page smoothly. On my lap sat the picture of the computer screen, the message left behind. As I closed my eyes and leaned backward, the words seemed to swirl around on the back of my eyelids. 

For Heaven's sake catch me before I kill more...


Once we arrived at the F.B.I Northwest Field Office, Morgan held the door for all of us as we filed in.

"Thanks," I said, smiling at him as I was at the end of the line.

We all went through the metal detectors, and Gideon walked quickly in front of all of us. Morgan caught up to Reid and patted him, pointing to Gideon. 

"He never stands with his back to a window. When I was between him and a doorway, he asked me to move." Morgan said, stopping in his tracks. 

The four of us all paused, listening to him. I glanced ahead at Gideon as I took the words in. 

"That's hypervigilance. It's not uncommon in post-traumatic stress disorder."

Morgan scoffed at Reid, "Just how much disorder are we talking about?" 

I raised my eyebrows at him, thinking the words came off as unfair and cruel considering the circumstances of Gideon's last case. Losing a team member, a friend at that. As a part of the behavioral analysis unit, we use our profiling to understand unsubs. But those skills go into understanding humanity as a whole. Something Morgan seems to be forgetting. 

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