★ | Hate that I love you

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It's like the second we were left alone, he had this cold aura around him, either he used to stare so intently that I used to leave first or he just pretended to be so engrossed over something just to ignore my entire existence.

And I felt frustrated as to why I had to like him out of everyone when he hated even the mention of my name.

Ningning shooked my shoulder a little to confirm if I was even listening to her ranting or not, so I just fake smiled.

My mind was still occupied by how hard they both were flirting forth and back.

Not so late as we were trekking up the hill, our lovergirl had a thought to talk to Jeongjin, and she literally ran up to her way to catch up with him after I assured her that I was okay walking on my own.

It was actually very cute to see her being so adorable to not make it obvious how hard she was trying and I was smiling unknowingly by now when my eyes suddenly met with Jake's.

He looked behind and slowed down on his track as he saw me, Chaehyun noticed him and turned to look back at me and suddenly I felt awkward.

Even if I was really okay, walking in the back all alone by myself they both seemed to not take it normally, it was as if they were either pitying me or making fun of me.

Thankfully Taehyun ran back down all the way to me even when he had walked pretty far than us, all smiling and jogging.

He panted and started walking beside me as he said, "Ningning really appears to be the victim of cupid, doesn't she?" I smiled at his words when he continued, "Jeongjin must be enjoying all this I bet!"

And unconsciously I let out a chuckle, to even think about it, Jeongjin really was just playing dumb as he must be loving all the efforts she's putting in for him.

He continued to talk even more and I could sense that he was trying to not make me feel like an outcast, since I didn't have anyone beside me.

We both were talking and it felt great since he was listening to my pointless talk so patiently, soon my eyes darted in Jake's direction and I was a bit surprised to see him staring back and that too when Chaehyun seemed to poke him by the shoulders continuously to grab his attention, as our eyes met he made a disgusting expression and rolled his eyes looking forward.

It made no sense.

I get it that he hates me but isn't it too much?

Does he always want me to feel pathetic or to get on my knees to ask for his almighty friendship? Remind me again why I even like him?

We finally reached to our supposed spot and it was already afternoon but as it was cloudy and breezy it felt amazing to be at the top in this weather.

At least to me, since Chaehyun started whining about how great it would have been if it were sunny.

But who cares?

God was on my side today and the gray atmosphere felt like a dream.

Soon we all started working in groups as we had to lay a tent, prepare a brunch, and even to take care of the necessities.

Jeongin and Ningning took the initiative for the brunch while Taehyun asked me to help him since he wanted to do the tents, so I didn't bother what else was left for those flirts.

As setting up the tent was a tough work, Jake joined in voluntary. I did my best and didn't even looked up once at him and only gave my attention to the tent and Taehyun's talking.

Chaehyun came up to us and asked Jake to favor her so she could know what the other two were upto but as Jake refused she instantly started grabbing Taehyun to join her, "Taehyun please come with me, I wanna know what they are upto by being so close since the morning."

By now I started getting annoyed, she literally was clinging onto Jake and now him?

"Learn to read the room will you?" I asked as Taehyun nodded in agreement.

"What do you mean?" She asked playing clueless.

"Ningning wants to have some time with Jeongjin, everyone knows she likes him so let them have some privacy." I said irritatingly as she just scoffed and left to do whatever.

Taehyun had to attend a call so he excused himself and now unfortunately I was left alone with Jake, again.

I glanced at his direction as he was already staring at me, forgetting about him being a jerk.

He now acted like a total creep.

I was struggling a little with laying the base when he came and sat beside me, taking the tent's corner from my hand, since when did he care about me struggling?

"If you're going to act like a princess then don't mind doing these tough things and causing others unnecessary trouble." He said side eyeing me and successfully laying it. Nevermind he'll always be a jerk to me.

"Good work, peasant." I said stretching the term peasant as he looked even more mad. I got up now trying to be more girly if that's what he hates.

As I started walking he yelled from back, "Where are you going?" I turned to look at him, and saw him dusting his hands, as he wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead with his white t-shirt.

I hated admitting how hot and masculine he looked just now.

"Why? Are you my royal bodyguard?" I said smiling sweetly just to piss him off, which I was clearly successful at.

"You-" his upcoming taunt was interrupted as Taehyun approached me with a chilled water bottle, all smiling.

"Here, drink this." He said handing me out as I thanked him and drank it right away, next Taehyun made me surprised as he took my palm and cleaned it softly with his handkerchief, "You should not do these things, otherwise you'll get scratches."

He said as he looked up to me gently, I should have felt butterflies but instead I felt a little awkward seeing him caring about me so much.

He was sweet and genuine to me since day one, unlike others, but then also I never saw him romantically.

And he just got out of a breakup a week ago, so maybe reading too much into things could lead to misunderstandings.

I smiled back in gratitude but I could sense an intense gaze on me so as I glanced in the direction and saw Jake standing there, his jaw clenching and his hand in a tight fist, he was looking at Taehyun's hand holding mine and letting out a scoff as he found me looking at him.

Stomping on his feet he went elsewhere leaving me utterly confused.

Why did he even look mad? Because of my taunt or because he felt...jealous? But doesn't he hate my existence around him already?

Everyone who knows Jake could sense how cold and different he is with me, and that too in a brutal way.

No way he could feel jealous or maybe he was annoyed as I am with Chaehyun. Or maybe- oh no is he gay? He likes Taehyun? That's why he never got in a relationship with a girl and gets frustrated whenever I'm around Taehyun? Omo.

My thoughts were scattered as we heard Jeongjin's call as the brunch was ready and went to join them.

to be continued..

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