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I froze. Ernest stepped between us.

"Montaigne," he growled.

"Agent Scott," Francis drawled. "Did you really think a little prison cell would hold me?"

Luna clung to my leg with a death grip. I moved her all the way behind me.

"Tsk tsk, Vivienne, I'm hurt. You aren't going to introduce me to your daughter?"

My eyes narrowed as I snarled. "You aren't getting anywhere near my daughter."

Francis laughed. It was completely maniacal. "Oh, I'm not? Whoops, too late."

Dread pooled in my stomach.

"What have you done to her?" Ernest snarled.

Francis glanced at him. "Why are you so protective of another man's child? Or... is it because of her mother?"

"Ernest," I murmured. "Don't."

I slowly knelt down to face Luna. "Honey, do you know this man standing in front of us?"

She nodded, making my blood run cold. "He came to school. Gave us an ice cream bar."

"When was this?" I asked, gently.

"Five days ago."

Ernest went rigid. I shook with fury. Standing up, I whipped around.

"You dared to go near my daughter at her preschool?!"

Francis laughed. "Vivienne, mon amour, if you and your precious little girl come with me now, I can help you get your old life back. Together, we can be the perfect pair. I'm the only one who can make you happy, and you know it."

Ernest took a step forward and growled, "They're not going anywhere with you."

I straightened. Whispering into his ear, I said, "Perhaps this is for the best."

"Viv," he breathed. "No."

"Trust me, I don't want to risk Luna's life either, but if we play along then there could be a possibility for you and Agent Parker to find us and save us."

"Viv, please don't do this."

"I'm sorry, Ernest."

Stepping around him, I cleared my throat. "Alright, Francis. Luna and I will go with you. Being Zoe Cutler, the widow, was too boring anyways."

A wicked smirk spread across his lips. "Then come along, mon amour. Let's get out of here."

Swallowing, I took Luna's hand in mine. Leading her away, I followed Francis away from the guest house. Turning my head around, I watched as Ernest shook and his hands clenched into fists.

Get to Agent Parker, I mouthed.

He nodded. I turned forward and walked down the path towards the street.

- - -

A day and a half later, Francis, Luna, and I landed at the Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris. We left the building and got into a black SUV.

"Mummy, where are we going?" Luna asked.

"It's okay, honey. We're just going home."

"But home's back in Australia."

Francis eyed her coldly. "Your home isn't in Australia anymore. From now on, you and your mother will live here in France with me."

Luna held onto me even tighter.

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