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My eyes went as wide as saucers. I was paralyzed. While I stared at the man before me, he stared back at me.

Does he know?

Nathan, seeing my distress, cleared his throat politely. I shook myself from my state and whipped around.

"Mr Thorne and company, welcome to my home," I said cheerfully, using my Aussie accent.

"Leo, please," he answered, chuckling. "Mrs Cutler, this is Rosa, my fiancé. That, there, is my future brother-in-law, Ernest."

I nodded. "You can just call me Zoe."


"Uh, let's sit."

I returned to my seat, and watched as Leo sat to my right with Rosa on his other side. Meanwhile, Ernest sat to my left. I cleared my throat.

Almost immediately, Nathan came over and asked, "What can I get everyone to drink?"

Rosa looked impressed. "You sure do know how to take care of guests."

I chuckled and waved it off, replying, "You flatter me. I learned it from my husband."

I didn't dare look in Ernest's direction. So instead, I turned to Nathan.

"You know what I want."

"Of course, Madam."

"I'll just have a glass of red wine, whatever you have is fine," Leo said.

"I'll do the same," Rosa added.

"And you, sir?" Nathan asked to Ernest.

"The same."

"Very good. I'll bring those drinks right out."

Nathan disappeared, and once he was gone, I knew it was up to me to keep my guests happy.

Rosa looked at me and commented, "Aren't you a little young to be Henry Cutler's wife?"

"So what if I'm young?" I countered in a mild tone.

It was to keep me safe. A married woman is safer sometimes than a single one.

"Were you ever in love?"

"Rosa," Leo murmured. He turned to me and said, "I'm sorry. That was inappropriate."

"No, it's alright. I didn't marry him for love. It wasn't even the money." I looked down at my hands and added, "It was for security and a stable life."

Just then, Nathan returned. He delivered the three glasses of a 2014 Cabernet Sauvignon to the others, and a glass of San Pellegrino to me.

"Wonderful, thank you, Nathan."

"Of course, Madam. The salads will be out shortly."


He bowed slightly and retreated. I turned back to my guests and smiled.

"How long have you been in Melbourne, Mrs Cutler?" Leo asked, genially.

I smiled, "Just over four years now. I came here after I graduated from uni."

"Oh, where did you go?"

"SAIC, you know, School of the Art Institute of Chicago in the States."


"It was just a phase, it's not really my thing anymore."

"What do you do then?" Rosa asked.

All this time, Ernest remained quiet, which started to concern me. In the back of my mind, I still wondered if he knew I was me.

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