The Land of the Rising Sun

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This is the last destination that the canine couple visits to conclude their honeymoon. It is one of the most popular countries visited by thousands of tourists like Paris. A highly developed country with its technology, recognizable for its culture, friendliness of its people and security. It's about Japan. After arriving in the capital Tokyo, Wolf takes some photographs from the plane with an incredible view of the city with the bright lights of the buildings, seeing from there that it is an almost sleeping city, and yes, they arrive at night to after leaving the airport they take a taxi to the hotel.

Japan is considered for them one of the places they most dreamed of visiting since they had some experience about its culture, monuments and language. Now this is the chance to see that wonderful city with their own eyes while keeping their faces happy and of course, they practiced the language in case any local person recognized them. A curious fact is that Diane Foxington, being the governor of Golden State, has a good international tendency as El Salvador, United Kingdom, Ecuador, Brazil, Italy and Japan are some of her examples. Diane is the #1 trend in that country and she was once interviewed via video call for a TV program in that country to give advice on her tricks to make companies more environmentally friendly.

A short time ago, just 48 hours after Wolf and Diane's wedding, they had already planned and organized their honeymoon by looking at the best exclusive travel packages and would conclude with Japan with a slightly expensive package which would come with a tourist guide including a private tour of the entire city and food that they would spend out of their pockets. Your first destination is to visit the Buddhist temple Sensō-ji, then visit the Hachiko dog memorial, the Tokyo tower and the kaneji temple where you will have the opportunity to dress in traditional Japanese dresses with the country's traditional instruments and a set of photographs to Share to your scrapbook.

It is 3:40pm local time, after having an incredible and tasty ramen for lunch, your private tour guide named Tadashi Yoshida, 31 years old, had just completed 10 years of his career as a tour guide and he is the one who arrived at the hotel. major receives bookings from tourists mostly from Europe as well as US and South America.

-Good afteroon, you are Mr and Ms. Wolfington- says Tadashi speaking english

-Hi. Are you Tadashi, right?- said Diane speaking Japanese

-Yes! It's me. Wow you can speak Japanese-

-I'm trying to improve-

-I'm hallucinating or what- Tadashi laughs

-No seriously, we would like to become like you but we're terrible at it- Wolf responds charismatically while you get a few short laughs

-Don't worry, but I'm glad to hear that you know Japanese-

-Well, it seems that it's time to enjoy our tour for today- says Diane still speaking Japanese-

-Whatever you say, my love- he answers Wolf in that language 

And so the tour began by getting into Tadashi's vehicle that had stored enough fuel to use it until midnight. Then they visit the famous Shibuya Street crossing where it is one of the most fluid where thousands of people pass daily, in addition to shopping malls, shops and restaurants has the statue of the remembered dog Hachiko at the train station. They spend 30 minutes there to explore and shop around.

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