ᕙ⁠[⁠・Chapter Twelve・⁠]⁠ᕗ

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A small little tea cup filled with liquid substance was seen being placed on a table, Stiles' pale fingers was seen hovering over the cup.

"This will calm you." Noshiko says.

"What is it?" Stiles asks.

"Tea." Noshiko says.

"What, like magic tea?" Stiles asks with a weak laugh.

Noshiko just looks at him seriously. "Chamomile tea."

"He's not safe here." Ken says.

Noshiko then sighs out. "He's not safe anywhere."

"Allison killed one of them, doesn't that mean something? She killed an Oni." Kira then spoke up.

Ken then frowns. "Is that even possible?"

"I'm not sure how..." Noshiko trails off confused.

"I mean, you got one girl who could've controlled them-." Noshiko was saying.

"But, she can't, since the Nogitsune has them under his control now." Stiles interjects.

"And another killed him, which clearly baffled me-." Noshiko was saying.

"And now she's dead." Stiles cuts her off.

"Bu-but, she killed one of them still." Kira says, thinking they was hope.

Macy, who was standing behind Stiles, looks at Kira. "She killed two of them, she saved one of our friends."

"And i think it's time we do something to honor her by saving one of ours as well, mom." Kira says the 'mom' part with a little of roughness.

"He made a powerful move by splitting you two." Noshiko says to Stiles.

"So, what's our move?" Kira asks.

"At this point, you need a divine move." Ken states.

"Divine Move? What is that?" Macy confusingly asks.

"In the game of 'GO' it's what we call 'truly inspired or out-of-the-box' move, the Nogitsune had sente, the advantage-." Noshiko was saying.

"He had Lydia, the Banshee and he knew that Ida could've controlled the Oni, which was beyond in her control as well as us, which is why he took the Oni with him..." Macy then says.

"Exactly." Noshiko says.

"Okay–––well, is anyone feeling a little divinely inspired?" Stiles then asks.

Kira then looks over to her mother. "Mom, you said you trapped it in a glass jar, right?"

"It wasn't the jar that trapped it, it's the place i buried it." Noshiko says.

"The Nemeton..." Stiles trails off.

"A place i don't really know much about." Noshiko then says.

"Then, who does?" Kira then asks.

Macy then slightly smirks. "A person we know all too well."



"Ida's with Scott and Lydia." Aiden sighs out, the former Alphas inside Malia's coyote's den.

Derek looks over at Aiden. "You're going to convince her to go with you?"

"Is that a question? I mean, look–––i don't see why she'd want to stay back, her parents died, her aunt died, there's really nothing here for her." Aiden listed out.

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