mr grey cat man meets him

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Mr Grey Cat Man- *erases memories of the female agents* Well everything is back to normal, at least he didn't see it...

Turbo- Oh but I did...

Mr Grey Cat Man- Oh shit shit shit *runs away to white rabbits dimension*

Turbo- He can't stay there forever... I will find him and put him in the basement for what he has done! *brings out cell phone and calls someone* 

Turbo x2- I would like to order... a counter titan same day delivery please

Amazon dude guy- Oh shit he ordered it at 11:59pm we have to get it there before the day ends *activates god mode*

Amazon dude guy x2- Here is your package sir

Turbo- Thanks *opens box* woah its massive...

Meanwhile in white rabbit universe

Mr Grey Cat Man- Bro help...

White Rabbit- What are you doing here dude if firecoolcomboboy2 sees us we're dead meat...

Mr Grey Cat Man- I need your help... Turbo is gonna throw me in the basement we need to stop him

White Rabbit- What's in it for me??

Mr Grey Cat Man- *Sigh* I'll make Projector Woman in my universe apologize to you...

White Rabbit- And?

Mr Grey Cat Man- I'll... I'll give you a night with her...

White Rabbit- Much better... Let's get started then!

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