Mr Grey Cat Man awakens ultra instinct

22 0 1

(Sooo firecoolcomboboy2 made me write the fight scene lol)

White Rabbit- I will send Large Projector Woman on you and she will destroy you if you don't tell mr where the Porjector Womans are being held

Mr Grey Cat Man- Never *Breaks the power scale* HOOOORAAAAA!

White Rabbit & Large Projector Woman- The fu-!? *gets knocked down by a shockwave*

Mr Grey Cat Man- *awakens ultra instinct* Come at me bro

White Rabbit- *jumps towards him*

Mr Grey Cat Man- *Teleports behind him* Nothin' personal kid *Punches his head*

L Projector Woman- Nooooo my white rabbit daddy (or whatever you guys say) *Turns red* You're gonna pay...

Mr Grey Cat Man- How did I miss kidnapping you??

3rd Person POV- A man is shown holding a sign that has the words BAD WRITING written on it

Mr Grey Cat Man- Oh yeah that's right *Sees L Projector Woman coming towards him* Nuh-uh *Punches thin air* Wait what?!

L Projector Woman- THINK FAST CHUCKLENUTS *punches his back*

Mr Grey Cat Man- *thinks fast and dodges*

L Projector Woman- Grrr... DIE!! *starts punching him like crazy*

Mr Grey Cat Man- *Gets hit by 375 punches* ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ow *Teleports away* I should heal great...

(Back at where L Projector Woman and White Rabbit are)

3rd Person POV- The camera slowly turns towards White Rabbit, who was on the ground watching the fight the entire time

White Rabbit- What the fu-


Im burnt out

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