Prologue 2

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During the next month, Nhyara and Pope decided to stick together and would be each other's partners when it came to activities. Overall by the end of the month, they were practically attached to the hip.

It was toward the end of the month all program activities had ended and members were free to roam the camp property and do whatever activities they wanted.

"Hey," Pope said dragging out the 'y' as he approached the girl who was eating her breakfast.

"Hey Pope," Nhyara said laughing at the boy's clumsiness when he walked through the walks the rocks.

"I was thinking maybe we could go swimming today," Pope asked he hadn't gone swimming yet and they were going home in a week.

Going stiff the girl's thoughts went haywire when she thought about Pope seeing her body.

"I don't know pope," the girl said taking a sip of her orange juice, "I didn't even pack a swimsuit," the girl added shrugging her shoulders.

Upon hearing that the boy's shoulders dropped in disappointment. He really hoped to go swimming but he didn't want to go with anyone else he wanted to go with his new friend.

Nhyara knew that this was the boy's first year and she wanted him to experience everything he wanted to.

"I guess I can ask one of the girls for one," she suggested.


"Sure I think we're around the same size," Amina said with a bright smile.

Nhyara was very quiet around new people so Amina was just happy that her roommate was actually talking to her.

Getting off of her bed she went to her dresser and picked out a black bikini for her roommate to try on.

"If it doesn't fit let me know and I'll ask one of the girls," she added before heading out.

Since their suit had its own bathroom Nhyara took her toiletry bag and went into the bathroom.

The swimsuit ended up fitting fine so she put on some jean shorts and an oversized button-up that pope had given her when she spilled something on her last week during a lab.

With music playing lowly on her phone the teen was using edge control and a bristle brush to put her hair in a high puff as well. Fixing her curls and bringing back some volume even though her hair might get wet and shrink back into tight coils.

Slipping on her flip-flops Nhyara exits her room and makes her way down the hall. Emerging from the long hallway and into the living room/hangout area she takes her phone out of her bag and takes a sit so she can wait for Pope to come downstairs from where the boys stay.

Practically bouncing down the stairs Pope had his normal dorky smile on his face.

"After you milady," he says opening the front door and gesturing for his friend to go first.

Giggling at his goofiness and horrible posh accent she gets up and exits the lodge leading them to the lake.


Letting out a deep breath the girl dropped her bag followed along with Pope and removed her clothes.

Awkwardly the girl took off the unbuttoned shirt and slid her jean shorts down her legs. Setting the on her back along with Pope's shirt she looks up to see her friend staring at her.

"Stop," she laughed playfully hitting him on his chest.

"I don't know why you're being awkward you look good," he says laughing along with her and grabbing her hand as he leads them toward the water.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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