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You would think that over some period of time, people would change, at least for a slightest bit. But that wasn't the case with my best friend. You would also probably think having a best friend who never changes is a good thing. But sadly, neither that was the case with my best friend. In fact, I wanted him to change, so badly that I had found myself slowly losing my mind.

I wanted him to stop being himself and just for once look at me the way I'd look at him. I wanted him to feel the pain I was feeling every time I glanced at him. But among all, I wanted to be able to hurt him, harder than he'd ever hurt me. But none of that was possible. Why? Because he was a sociopath. A pure image of the devil, except he didn't look like one at all.

Quite in contrary actually, he looked like an angel. His boyish smile could easily melt off my heart, his slightest touch being able to send goosebumps all over my body, while making my knees going completely weak. How cliché does it sound? Except, it isn't a cliché at all. This isn't a love story or at least it shouldn't supposed to be one. It's supposed to be my story, my happy ending, me finding a way of escaping his dangerous lead, me leaving him hurt as hell, but at the end, both of us knew who would actually get hurt the most. Little hint- it wasn't him.

Harry has always been an extraordinary boy. He was being pushed away by so many people for multiple times that I had actually lost a count of. But being extraordinary suited him well, except he didn't know how to use his extraordinariness in a useful way or he simply didn't want to. However, I still remembered the day I met him. How could I possibly forget that seemingly troubled boy who was determined to run away from someone. The want of getting away as quickly as possible had obscured his view and preoccupied his mind, so he really didn't notice my presence. And those wild curls that were sticking out of his little head didn't help much either. He didn't see me, but I indeed saw him.

He was running toward me and he obviously wasn't stopping himself. And just as I was about to tell him to watch out, he bumped into me and caused me to fall hard on the ground. I fell on my arm, I could even hear a silent cracking sound of my bones. He broke my arm and in that moment I started crying really loudly, the sobs simply wouldn't stop coming out of my mouth. It hurt badly and he was just looking at me as if I was some kind of alien. He was standing still, while his beautiful dark emerald eyes examined me. It almost felt as if I was some kind of project of his. He was so fascinated by my pain that he started smiling down at me. The whole scene seemed very amusing to him. I twitched in pain when he tightly grabbed me by my injured arm and stared at him in fear.

"Don't worry, I can fix it," he said as he slowly closed his eyes while gradually relaxing his grip on my arm. I could feel my heartbeat slowing down, my body completely relaxing at his touch. The pain in my arm was slowly disappearing and as soon as it disappeared completely, he removed his hand away from my arm and continued watching me as if I had five heads instead of one.

"Are you a God?" I asked, my light grey eyes still widened in shock.

Today, I'm aware of how silly it sounded and I don't judge his reaction anymore. He had every right to laugh me off because it was a really stupid question. But I was barely four years old, what else could you expect from a four-year old girl who had just witnessed her own healing?

I was so confused at the time. I didn't know what to think. Today I can also find myself confused by all of this mess that I have gotten myself into.

But I haven't told the whole story just yet. The most terrifying thing about that day wasn't the fact that he broke my arm and then healed it. Or the fact that he mocked me with his audible laugh because of my stupid question.

The most terrifying was his answer to my stupid question.

"Are you a God?" He was laughing. His eyes turned darker shade of green, but at the time, they actually seemed more of a darker shade of brown which had me fascinated by him even more.

He obviously found my question interesting, but his answer was terrifying.

"No, but I might become one."

So, here's the prologue guys, I hope you like it! It's short, but don't worry the following chapters will be much longer ;)

Don't forget to leave a comment or a vote or both ;)

*5 votes for the first chapter*

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