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Finally now everything is normal, Vansh has got to know the truth as well as Ridhima is also all well and within sometime will also recover soon. Except Aryan, Dhara, Angre Everyone is thinking that Vansh is taking care of Ridhima and praying for her just because she has taken the bullet on herself which was going to hit Rohan. Vansh is also thinking of anyhow to repent his mistake and gain forgiveness from Ridhima and at the same time to punish Ragini, the main poison due to which  many other's life is affected. Aryan and dhara was finally at peace thinking that now everything will be okay between their Vansh Bhai and Ridhima Bhabhi. Everyone's mind has clear image of what they have done and now what they have to do, but between all this only one soul is fighting inside herself with all the questions and queries that is arising in her mind and she was asking herself and Bappa to what to do while gazing the highway from the front seat of the car.


I felt an awful pain near my arm and I open my eyes slowly, bright white eyes enter my eyes and with soo much try my eyes finally got opened and I realise thai I am in hospital, than one by one I remember everything and suddenly my eyes started searching for Rohan. After assuring from Mom that my baby is okay I look for the other most important person of my life to check wether he is okay or not, and finally I found him and our eyes meet. After an minute or two I remembered everything that what he has done to me and I look away from him and started looking nowhere in particular. After sometime everyone greats me and starts to move outside of my room and now only me and Vansh was present in between the four walls. I don't know why but I am feeling some uneasiness because of his presence, slowly slowly he started to move towards me and take an seat beside me and as usual I prepared myself to hear some bad words about me but what he did next has completely shocked me.

He took my right hand and place an kiss on my hand and also thanked me for what I have done to save Rohan. I thought not to pay much attention to it as again maybe he is doing something to broke me later so I took away my hands away from his and started to look at the wall but again his next statement has shook mw to the core. He said that he came to know everything about Ragini, and also about my innocence but before I can react or progress anything more in my mind nurse and doctors came and informed us about my discharge. I am literally shocked by the behaviour of Vansh, just before the day he had said that I am just an caretaker of his child, he didn't accept me as his wife and today he is taking care of me like I am as fragile as glass. He hold my hand, make me stand and help me to walk till bathroom so that I could change my clothes even though one nurse help me out in this. Once I am ready in my blue sleeveless suit he again came till bathroom and take me till the bed, make me sit and he himself bend down and put the footwear in my foot. Not only me but whole family was looking at Vansh like he is some alien, but just a stare from the VANSH RAI SINGHANIA is enough for everyone to stop staring us like that. I feel that Mom is somewhat not okay with all this as she was continuously staring Vansh with unsaid emotions in her eyes. After competing all this Vansh do another thing that shock the hell out of me, he pick me up in his arms and just before I say something he whispered in my ears that as I am not in a good condition so not to speak or argue about anything right now. Rohan was also giggling seeing this side of his papa, anyway once Angrey cane after completing all the formalities of discharge we move outside and Aryan open the car door and Vansh make me sit inside the car. He than came to the driver sit and Aryan, Dhara, Rohan sit behind us and all of us move towards out village. Dhara told that village is approximately two hours from this hospital so If I want I can adjust my sit, but I said I am fine as I don't want to disturb anyone as they have already endured so many things because of me.

The only thing that right now is not okay with me is Vansh, many questions are arising in my mind that who told him the truth and it is just because he now knows the truth his perspective has changed about me and if it is like that than why he didn't tell till now about this to anyone? Many questions are arising and most important is that what should I do now, as he said in the hospital that he want to make our relationship like it was in the past and want to gain my forgiveness, so should I forgive him and forget all the things and bad words he had thrown on me? My heart wants to do so but my brain said otherwise, that no Ridhima you have endured enough till now, you have seen that how many times in personal and in public Vansh has humiliated you, my self respect doesn't allow me to forgive Vansh for what he had done. Yes it is right that whatever he has done is in misunderstanding and in love of that greedy Ragini but he never even for once tried to listen to my side of story, or even didn't for once try to find out the truth that no my best friend who is this much pure hearted and thinks about everyone before her can't do anything like this. He just believed what he heard and  continuously broke my fragile heart day by day, and the day when he said to everyone that I am just an caretaker of his child and he has not any kind of connection with me that day I just broke completely and I cannot forgive him after that. If he has said like that than okay I also don't want to make any kind of relation with him as now my self respect is not allowing me to do it, maybe everyone will term it as selfishness but now I just cant take it anymore. By thinking of all this I didn't know when an drop fell down from the corner of my eyes, I wipe it immediately but I think Vansh noticed it as he asked that If I am felling some pain I shake my head in no and I didn't realise in thinking about all this that when we reached our village.

Her innocent loveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin