Chapter 34: The Mighty Dragons

Start from the beginning

Zadarralomme looks away from him in shame. She advised against driving the Feldroks to extinction, but the Feral Feldrok prevented conquering the Citadel after all, and then the dragons couldn't recover their population in the slightest. As if to spite his own kind, he didn't listen, and Zadarralomme was relatively young at that time. He wouldn't listen to her.


"I saw the males slain. Do you intend to breed us yourself, Lord Daniel?" She looks directly at him with the coldest gaze she can manage. She won't be so easily...She flinches a little when she notices Hekate glaring hatefully at her, glancing nervously at Daniel in alternation.

"What is with people of this world? Listen, if there were literally no other options, it wouldn't be off the table. But, I haven't decided whether or not I'll revive the male dragons." At his statement about no other options, Hekate now glares at Daniel skeptically.

However, the significance of being willing to revive his enemies is not lost on Zadarralomme. Piecing it all together, she cocks her head. "In exchange for my servitude, you would cure this curse that we had never detected, and even be willing to revive a male to continue our species?"

Daniel confirms with a nod. "Or, you can rot away in this cell for the rest of your lifespan. Whichever you choose. But, the Demon Queen wants your help -that is, all of you dragons-, and I'm not keen on letting you wander around scheming to kill me. Otherwise, your will shall be your own."

She ponders it for a long time. She can easily outlive the human, but if he binds her to Hekate or the golem...

"You seem hesitant. But, I assure you, I'm just a human, so you could outlive a contract with me, yes? Of course, by that time, Hekate will be more than safe from you, so I shouldn't have to worry."

"Y-... The contract would be with you? Not... your companions?"

"That's right," confirms Daniel. "Believe it or not, I'm probably the easiest one here to kill. Until my mission is complete, I can't die. Or rather, I don't want to. After that, there's only so much I can do for the world as myself. So... What do you say? Spend the next sixty years or so bound to me only so you can't kill me or harm anyone I care about in exchange for a future. Or, spend that future in here. For now, I'm the master of the Citadel. If I decide not to grant Vaergraes's wishes, then there's not a whole hell of a lot she can do. And, because she can't track me through magic, she probably won't be able to do anything about it if I keep you prisoner. But, if we work together, maybe we can accomplish something better."

After another moment, Zadarralomme makes her decision.

She casts a simple spell, which puts all three of the others on guard, but she knows that there's a barrier separating them. She knows because there's no way they'd take even a small chance.

The spell she casts is simple, though. Her form becomes much smaller, and, similar to Hekate, drastically alters her true form. She steps out of the swirling mist and light of the transformation, standing much smaller, but on much more equal terms to those she will be working with.

"My name is Zadarralomme of the dragon clan. To actually pronounce my name in this language is impossible, but the name I just gave will serve the contract." She bows. "Please... if you can save my race, I will help you however I can."

Daniel says with a gentle tone, "I was hoping you'd say that."

Xyreko steps forward, "Excellent. Then, this is where I step in." She sets up and draws the ingredients from each of them, preparing the contract spell. Zadarralomme is hesitant, but it's her only real option at this point. She needs to trust the human for now or face death. That much is certain.

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