🍃I Won't Say🍃

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But one thing was clear... it was too obvious for one of them not to notice. I just don't know who...

After all that, night arrived very quickly. Thanks to that, and a rainstorm, all of us champions had to stay in the castle. We were all sent to the guest rooms. We all had to share rooms, and I'm not sure if this is good or bad. I wasn't sharing a room with (Y/N), but Link... that dumb little Hylian.

It's not like I have to tolerate him all the time though, I could just walk around the castle.

I strolled through the massive hallways alone, until I stumbled upon an inside garden filled with statues. I'd never seen this part of the castle before... but it's pretty. The rain falling on the glass ceiling made for a calming atmosphere.

I lost myself between the leaves and flowers inside the room. I was so immersed in fact that I didn't notice someone standing behind me.

"I just don't get it..." I told myself. "Why is this happening to me?"

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I immediately pulled out my bow and aimed it to whoever was behind me.

"Woah woah woah." (Y/N) raised their hands.

"Oh... sorry." I lowered my bow. "What are you even doing here?"

"I was just wandering around here and I heard you rambling..." they chuckled.

"Well, I wanted to be alone. So please go." I stated before walking away.

"What if I don't leave?" They added, following me.

"I wouldn't worry. I'm sure you'd easily get lost in a matter of seconds." I smiled smugly.

"Hey! I may not be the brightest, but I'm not stupid." (Y/N) punched my arm in a friendly manner.

"I never said you're stupid." I chuckled.

"Well, I felt like you did." They spoke in an overly dramatic way.

"Okay okay, I'll stop annoying you now." (Y/N) sighed. "I'll see you around, buddy."

"Of course-" I was cut off by a big hug from (Y/N). They wrapped their arms around me. I returned the hug awkwardly. I wasn't the biggest fan of physical affection, but... Maybe that's changed.

After they pulled away from the hug, they sprinted out the door.

I could feel my face burning like Death Mountain. As the door closed, I turned to a small fountain inside the garden. I sat at the edge, gathering my thoughts. Until I heard something break...

"Daruk! Keep quiet!"

"Sorry, Urbosa... but how do you expect me to be quiet?! I'm too big!"

Looks like I wasn't alone.

"... what in Hylia's name are YOU doing here." I looked towards the source of the noise. "Get out of there!"

"... I think he noticed us."

Daruk and Urbosa stepped out of the bushes. Urbosa had a smug smile on her face, while Daruk had his usual warm smile.

"Revali... do you like (Y/N)?" Urbosa stated.

"... No?" I grunted. "What kind of question is that?"

"C'mon lil guy, it's clearer than the water! You fell hard for them!" Daruk chuckled.

"What are you talking about? I don't like any of you, much less in a romantic way!"

"When did I mention romance, Revali?" Urbosa raised an eyebrow.


"I... I just assumed you-"

"Our suspicions just got confirmed, Daruk." She and Daruk fist bumped.

Promise (Revali x Reader) (Rewritten!) (ON HIATUS THANKS TO LACK OF IDEAS!)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz