First Day at Shepherd-Sloan Memorial

Start from the beginning

Lexie: I hate interns.

Amelia: Me too.

Maggie: We were also interns once, remember that.

Lexi: Why do you think I hate that, my intern year was the worst.

I chimed in, yours can't compared to my first year I slept with my attending before the first day of internship, the his wife showed up, I was in a code black scenario, I almost drowned, oh and then my friend cut LVAD wire of a patient and we were all almost got kicked off the program.

Lexie: Let me start mine, when I first come to the hospital for intership, you hated me with your guts and my resident who is your best friend hated me because u said so, and then your another friend sadie almost cost me my job

Amelia: Oh what's that story.

Lexie: We were doing surgeries on each other and I take her appendix out and she almost died on the table.

Maggie: Oh my god. And then what happened

Me: Then I saved her ass from getting kicked out.

Lexie: "Yeah that's true", she said laughing, "Oh and then I slept with Mark on my intern year".

Me: Grey sisters for the win, I said high-fiving lexie

Amelia: I was junkie during my intern year so I don't remember much.

We all laughed.

Me: you don't have anything to say, I ask Maggie.

Maggie: I was 19 when I did my internship, I don't have any crazy stories I focused only on medicine.

Lexie: Oh I forgot our sister was a child prodigy and she only cared about creating medical history

We all laughed. When we were entering the lounge and intern walked towards us and introduced herself.

??: I am Jo Wilson. I am assigned to Dr Meredith Grey.

Me: It's me. Don't bother to suck up I allready hate you, if you will learn I will teach you and don't expect us to be friends, I am your teacher and you are my student, Do rounds and charts efficiently and don't kill anybody

Jo: "Yes mam". She said in a sarcastic tone

Me: sarcasm won't help when I give you scut and rectinal exams for the whole week, Clear

Jo: I am sorry.

Me: Now follow me.

Stephanie's POV,

I am walking towards the attendings lounge to find Dr Shepherd, I was very keen on Nuero department and I heard about Dr Shepherd and Dr Grey
who was some sort of dream duo. They were top 2 neuro surgeons in the country. I was very happy to learn under them.

I walk towards the attendings lounge to find Dr Shepherd and I find two women standing there and laughing
I approach them they don't have coats on them.

Me: Hi I am Stephanie Edwards, can you direct me to Dr Shepherd.

Taller woman: And you are

Me: I am new surgical intern here and I am assigned to neuro today

Taller woman: So are you interested in neuro

Me: it's my dream speciality. I had heard about Dr Shepherd and Dr Grey who are both brilliant and badass neuro goddesses and i heard they both can operate on the same brain with one hand each that's how precise and coordinated they are and i heard they make breakthroughs in Alzheimer's clinical trial. Is it true

Shorter woman: it's very true, Hi I am Dr Amelia shepherd, nice to meet you Edwards

Taller woman: And I am Dr Lexie Grey. We are co heads of the department of Nuero surgery at SSM

I was speechless, oh no I embarassed myself in front of my idols, I smiled in a weird way to cover my embarrassment.

Me: Sorry Dr Shepherd and Dr Grey I didn't know you were both well yourselves, i thought both of you will be older, you are both very young.

Lexie: Oh very flattered Dr Edwards looking forward to working with you, bye Amy see you at home.

Amelia: Lex I need a consult I will page you. Edwards let's walk.

End of the shift,

Jo's POV,

After the crazy first shift I was walking towards the locker room. My feet is killing me, when I enter the room I saw my fellow interns standing there.

Me: How was your first day.

Steph: Oh i worked with Dr Shepherd and Dr Grey to make a plan of action for an inoperable tumour.

Me: Dr Grey was with me.

Steph: Oh not Meredith Grey, Lexie Grey.

Me: so there is two of them, how is she is she like medusa.

Leah: Medusa..

Me: Oh yeah, she will turn you stone with her stare, she is very mean and is a bitch.

Steph: Lexie Grey is not like that, she is very sweet and caring and she is an worldclass surgeon.

Heather: how do they operate if the tumor is inoperable.

Steph: they made a very risky plan for operating

Me: who are they

Steph: Dr Shepherd and Dr Grey. Do you know they have operated on more than 50 patients with tumors who is deemed inoperable by other surgeons and there success rate is more than 80 percent. Both of them are brilliant and badass

Me: okay I wanted general, but now I'm swinging to nuero.

Steph: I love human brain you need to compete with me for neuro.

Me: i was just joking.

Ross: Dr Pierce is a cardio godess, she completed a coronary bypass in 3 hrs which is some sort of some record.

Me: Dr Grey is really good although she is mean, a damned good surgeon.

Leah: I kissed Dr Robbins.

Me: What??

Leah: Yeah it was a momentary lapse but I enjoyed it.

Me: oh my god.

Heather: Dr Avery is a plastic god. He can create grafts from scratch. it was beautiful.

After talking, we walk to go out of the hospital. I saw Dr Grey leaving with other three women.
When we get outside I turn back to see the hospital in which I am working for the next 7 maybe my lifetime.

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