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KITTY MOLINA HAD never liked getting involved in her twin sisters business

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KITTY MOLINA HAD never liked getting involved in her twin sisters business. it rarely ended well and most of the time - no offence to julie or anything - it was pretty boring. thats not to say that her sister was uninteresting or anything, they were just from very different crowd nowadays, so their kinds of fun didn't exactly align anymore.

julie had one friend and that was it, the one and only flynn. kitty adored her, but she seriously couldn't stand to hang out with them for any longer then like ten minutes. they would draw, and play dress up, and gossip - though they weren't exactly popular enough to know anything interesting, so they'd spill about drama they'd overheard carlos talking about - but nothing fun ever really happened, especially since they stopped playing music together.

kitty couldn't take that kind of lifestyle so she tended to branch out a little more. she had many friends, but her absolute best friend was carrie wilson, daughter of rock god trevor wilson and most popular girl in school - apart from her of course. they would dance and sing, sneak out and go to parties, skip class to hang out with the lacrosse team under the bleachers, steal her dads car and drive around hollywood to see which clubs would let them in, etc.

really anything that gave her the thrill she so desperately missed.

losing her mom was a huge turning point in kitty's life, it changed her completely as a person and more specifically as a daughter. she always felt bad for ray when he had to yell at her for stupid stuff, but she found no real reason to change.

the whole family had suffered a loss, so the whole family felt they needed someone to heal that for them. so kitty stepped up - she became the primary female role model in carlos' life and the problem child for everybody else, so they didn't seem to look down on themselves as much.

it was tiring being such a delinquent, but god it was so fun.

but the one time her sister did manage to get her involved in her usual juvenile behaviour, it ended in the biggest enlightenment she'd ever imagined, and also a really cute boy.

𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒, luke patterson.Where stories live. Discover now