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I looked at the radio.

And the wall again.

I felt like I was lonely in the island.

I put one hand to my head to think all the thing that I did on my base.

"How am I supposed to get back to my base? I am lonely on this island... Despite I had some food and water... It wasn't enough to survive!" I looked at the controls, and the steering wheel.

I got a flashback of all the past things that I do in the base, I looked at the other side to see a fire extinguisher.

I didn't know what to do...

But I had to go back to see all of my soldiers...

Despite I'm so lonely in an island.



"This is all my fault! I SHOULD HAVE REACTED FAST! WHY DID I-" The radio then stops. I looked at it for a couple of seconds before I calmed myself down, my stomach started growling again. I grabbed the two radios and got up, I go down the stairs and open the hatch to the cargo hold, I climbed down and walked to box 3, i grabbed one of the MRES and opened it, the first thing I saw is the pain burger, I opened it up and it's just bread, I pulled öut my knife and cut it in two.

I looked at the inside of the MRE box, there are two spreads which is raspberry and peanut butter. I opened the peanut butter and spread it over one of the bun, I opened the raspberry one and spread it to the other bun "ah! There we go! Let's see how it taste like" I took a bite of it "oh wow! This taste very good!" I just wondered how is my soldiers doing...

I just hope they are going to be ok.

And I hope they fight well.

I trained them a lot so no one would die again.

After the death of one of my soldiers...

Oh god...

I don't know if he is confirmed dead...

I calmed myself down again before I overthink. I turned on the broadcasting radio again and a voice came in.

It was James, he was saying "well atleast he trained us a lot after the death of one soldier! We don't know if he is presumed dead! I mean, I don't know why but that changed his whole life! We can't even tell the name to the public! It's top secret! I was also there when it happened... His last word are "NO! MAYDAY MAYDAY!!! C'MON EJEC-" and boom... He crashed to the water, I still remember to this day and our commander too... He was on the air traffic control tower... He heard everything! After we got home! We're about to tell him but he already know! It was a mission to sneak attack the enemy base! He sent us 6! Me! Jack, Hudson, Leo, charles, and him! At the middle of the ocean! He alert us enemy planes are coming! We then defend until he was shot! He-" I turned off the radio because I don't want to hear it again.

I grabbed a sports drink from the MRE, I grabbed some water and opened, I opened the package and puts the powder into the water bottle, I closed the lid and start shaking the bottle until all of the powder completely dissolve.

I then stop shaking the bottle and took a look at the bottle. I opened the cap and took a sip, I taste it for a moment before I said to myself "hm... Not bad! It tasted great! Also it's kinda blue... That kinda looks like the ocean too..." I took another sip before closing the cap and finished the peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I turned on the radio again and this time it was James again, he was saying "Now even tho he's also brave! The fact is! We never lose a single battle! Because due our leader has trained us everyday! We got the better of it! Now even tho he also lost an eye, he still can aim!-" when he was speaking, he suddenly speaks in a British accent before he stops, "I also remember one time- uh oh..." When he said that, Elavin then said in the background.

"Wait a minute- James! did you just-" I turned off again because I don't want to hear it, I got up and picked up the two radio and the leftover that was in the MRE.

I noticed that in the door, there was also a back pack that I haven't noticed, I approach it and opened the zipper, I then said to myself "nice... Now I can put stuff in it!" I put the leftover and the two radio and puts it in the backpack before closed the zipper. I then puts it up and it was light, I got öut of the hold and climbed down, I noticed that the backpack includes a binocular. I then grabs the binocular and looks at one side of the binocular because I can't see in my right eye.

I looked at the ocean to search any ships or planes flying by, but only to see nothing.

I wondered why did James speaks in a British accent before he stops...

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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