Just as Rajan was about to say that this was his duty, they heard someone clearing their throat. Daivik stood one foot away from their table. As Shubhi and Rajan were sitting opposite each other, neither had noticed Daivik walking in from the side door. Both of them turned around to look at Daivik, shock etched on their faces. Shubhi's hand that she was about to withdraw remained half a centimeter above Rajan's. Daivik was glaring at her hand and she held Rajan's hand again just to rile Daivik before bringing it back to her lap.

Rajan: Hi Daivik

Daivik: Hey Watson, did I disturb something?

Rajan: Absolutely not Dev. You can join our boring discussions about my patients and discharge.

Daivik pulled the third chair and sat to the left of Shubhi, facing Rajan. Shubhi starts collecting the documents that Rajan had kept on the table. She is looking through the documents as Rajan and Daivik chatter. Rajan is called over by a colleague and he leaves Daivik and Shubhi at the table together.

Daivik: So how is...errr...Dyuti

Shubhi: She is fine, thanks for asking....

Daivik: This looks interesting coffee....

Daivik starts drinking from the paper cup that Shubhi just kept on the table and then he takes a bite from her half eaten Brownie. Rajan returns to see Shubhi scowl and Daivik eating her food and drinking her coffee. Shubhi wants to desperately run from the situation and tells the same to Rajan.

Daivik: Coffee and Brownies have definitely improved here, Watson

Shubhi: Dr I have got the documents, I will go now

Rajan: I see my friend has eaten the food meant for you and drank you coffee!

Shubhi: Maybe he thought they were yours!

Rajan: But my mission to get you back to health has been compromised!

Shubhi: Some other time then doctor, I will leave now, if you can escort me out

Shubhi had already stood up and kept the documents in the bag. Rajan was standing across from her, seeing this, Daivik also stood up.

Rajan: I...err...have to go the other direction...to the Emergency

Shubhi: Ohh

Rajan: But I think Daivik can escort you from here...

Shubhi: But he is not a doctor to have access to the doors....

Daivik: Being on the board is sometimes helpful ( he was smiling or was he smirking, Shubhi was not sure)

Shubhi: I just need to reach the back foyer, my driver is waiting for me there

Daivik: Happy to help, this way ma'am

Shubhi was irritated by his 'ma'am' but decided to swallow her temper, a five minute walk would not harm her. Daivik was walking slowly deliberately she decided not to comment. He noticed that again she was dressed in kurti and pants, only difference was that this one was more Indo- Western than the previous one he had seen, there was a hint of denim in her blue gray top and them Red colored cigarette pants were setting them off perfectly. While was always looking ahead or around, Daivik was aware of the appreciative looks she had got. They reached the foyer and he decided to push her further. He was not sure why she was being unnecessarily hostile but he liked how she looked and also poking her was somehow fun. This unexpected encounter and time with her was lighting up his otherwise boring life. He could not put a finger on the exact emotion he felt but he knew he was enjoying it.

Daivik: Lets' step a couple of feet away from the humdrum of people so that your driver can pick you properly

Shubhi: There are not too many cars around

Daivik: But they are enough to cause a commotion. Can you see that big tree (he pointed a few feet ahead), there is even a waiting bench next to it

Shubhi: I am not sitting down with you!

Daivik: Okay, you can sit and I will stand for you (a smile playing on his lips, he was enjoying her irritation)

Shubhi: Dr Rajan had asked you to escort me outside which you have, so thanks for the help, you may go now.

Daivik: He had asked me to see you off, which means I will have to wait till your driver turns up.


Authors Note:

Again Daivik has run into Shubhi and she wants to run away. What do you think their conversation will be about? Do comment to share your thoughts! We might get the fireworks!!

Thank you all! The overall reads have crossed 5.5k!!

All the support in as votes and comments keeps me going :)

🌟 Thanks a bunch for the votes and comments! @minnietina @AKSHARA1904 @Otisheas @AakankshaThodopunoor @Stephanie28beatrix @ArathyVs @hellofeelas @aadha_aloo @2315_me @sequoia_11 @TashiSingh1 @Amyramalhotra @Akshaya935 @kaashi97 @MonaMaurya @SnowMeadows @kpajvani @SwatigaudC432 @Smiling130840 @asane_addiba @Werewolflove2

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