3 : Meeting

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Nobody's POV

Jungkook, feeling bored said boringly "Pa, since it is Thursday, can't I disguise myself as a normal human?" Mr. Jeon said "Okay, since it is Thursday, you can go enjoy" Jungkook got excited and went to his closet and dressed. Mr. Jeon said "Stay near Seokjin, since he is also a common man. Don't go around" Jungkook nodded his head and left.

He walked till Seokjin's cafe was in front of him. He went inside and saw Seokjin serving. Seokjin said "Okay, Jungkookie!! Or Jungwoo?" Jungkook whispered "I am a common man right now, and let me help you as I am Jungwoo" Seokjin nodded his head and went to the kitchen while Jungkook went to the billing counter and stood there for customers.

He saw 2 men, very identical, wearing fancy rich clothes talking to some waiters. He wondered 'Is Jin Hyung's cafe so famous that even the Kim Twins are here? It is known that anyone can identify by looking at their tattoos which are black and brown. Wait, are they coming towards me?'

One of them, having the black tattoo, Kim Taehyung said "Um Mr? We would like to order an espresso... I didn't see you before, Where is Mr. Jin?" Now Jungkook was sure that they were regular customers... He said "Oh well, my name is Jungkook- (Taehyung stared at him) I meant Jungwoo... And, Jin hyung has some work. Please wait, your order will come within 5 mins" Jungkook felt uncomfortable when he saw the other twin staring at him.

As he was giving them their order, he noticed Taehyung pinching the other twin and whispering something to V, that made the older blush. Wait, blush!? Isn't he heartless? 'Never mind' Jungkook thought as he went back to his work when the twins left in a black luxurious car with guards behind them.

Kim Taehyung POV

I just came inside the cafe with my twin after the meeting. I noticed a cute boy, with blonde hair. I went towards him and asked for Jin Hyung and ordered the usual. He told me that Jin Hyung left because of some urgent work. He told me his name is Jungkook... Very familiar, wait, isn't that the heir of Jeon Enterprises? I looked at him very fast.

He nervously chuckled and cutely said his name was Jungwoo. It felt suspicious. I found V staring at the poor boy making him uncomfortable so I pinched him when we reached our table whispering "We both have the same love, I think Jungwoo was uncomfortable, don't stare at him like that." He blushed, even I could not believe it. I secretly texted my bodyguards to take a photo of Jungwoo and find his information today.

We went out of the cafe, feeling contended. V and I put our cold faces again as if we have enemies waiting for our next wrong step.

Nobody's POV

Jungkook went back to his home in the evening. He asked him worriedly "Father, I saw the Kim Twins today" That was all it took for Mr. Jeon to show his full attention to his son. He said, "What happened there?" Jungkook said "I almost said my name is Jungkook to them, I hope they don't get suspicious. Also, Kim V was staring at me most of the time"

Mr. Jeon got scared and said "Bun, stay away from them. They are so powerful that they can erase our lives at this moment! You said one of the twins was staring at you, right? I am sure he must have found your information now... Oh my god!!!" Jungkook hugged his father knowing that his father needed him.

Jungkook said "Don't worry Pa, I know that. About the information, even if he does, I don't care. I am not scared of them" Mr. Jeon mumbled under his breath 'You won't understand... If he knows that the people he is looking for are the Jeons, you have no idea what he will do...' Jungkook curiously asked "Pa, who are they looking for?" Mr. Jeon just shook his head indicating he won't tell and went to his room.

Jungkook sighed knowing he couldn't win.

Meanwhile, with the twins

The Kim Twins reached their home after a hectic day. (They didn't go straight to home after the cafe incident since they had a lot of work to do) The maids and the butler bowed at them. It was already evening. 3 of the maids went to prepare the hot bath and whatnot.

V and Taehyung went to their room. V said "Finally, we executed that stupid dumb idiot who escaped from our gang! Taehyung, you are the best!" Taehyung just smiled and said "We still have to execute that maid who dared to play with our secret files"

V said "I can't wait to see her face when I through her out of this house" They both went to the bathroom and freshened up. They went downstairs to see the maids cooking. V said coldly "All the maids have to come to the hallway right now" They all came and saw V and Taehyung shooting daggers at one maid who was shaking.

"Get out of our house, you filthy sh-t"

The maids looked at e/o in wonder, 'What did that maid do to make master angry?'. The maid who was glared at by both the brothers tried to defend herself thinking that they would spare her. She said, "What is my fault master?"

Oh how wrong she was when she thought she would be spared...

The twins lost their control and dragged the woman to their basement. They tortured the woman till she became unconscious. They told their trusted workers to do whatever they wanted with her as they were done.

Since the basement was soundproof, not many sounds came outside of it. The Kim brothers went to their room and went to their dreamland like nothing happened. This is what they do, they are called ruthless beings for a reason.


Author: I am apologetic for not updating in the past 2-3 days. I was not able to think about the next chapter plot properly leaving you on a suspense note, so I made more words. I hope you liked this chapter! Once again, I am sorry.

Words are 1044! 😊

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