"That's a nice name. Red, now the princesses." Ruby looked at Red. "We need about....eight true love kisses."

"Girls these days are quite..." Red looked at Yellow. "...unusual. Some don't care about following a rabbit or even speaking to it."

"Most girls don't really like fairy tales." Gold corrected.

"Anyways, I'm taking Yellow to Captain. " Red grabbed Yellow's hand. "See you guys later!"

Gold and Ruby waved as the two ran off.

"You know...I wonder..." Gold whispered.

"What?" Ruby looked up since Gold was so tall in beast form.

"If Red could ever find a princess?" Gold blurted.

"Hmm...w-wait?! Red finding a princess?! You've gotta me kidding me Gold! He's the rabbit for goodness sake!" Ruby yelled.

"Hush hush Ruby. You never know!" Gold winked and Ruby groaned.


"Where you taking me, Red?" Yellow asked.

"To the sea...Er, not much of a sea now right?" Red chuckled sheepishly.

Yellow nodded. Red pushed some bushes out of the way for Yellow. She crawled through the bushes, Red following her. Then they saw a huge ship by the docks, floating on the polluted ocean. Red just smiled and lead Yellow to the ship.

"Captain Green!" Red yelled.

His crew mates smiled at Red. A boy with spiky brown hair and green eyes was on top of the ship. He wore green pirate clothes and of course, pirate hat. He looked calm as he jumped off his ship, startling Yellow.

"Red. Pleasure to see you here. Anything you need?" The man asked.

"Green, we have an Alice." Red said seriously.

Green's eyes widened. He turned to Yellow who was behind Red. He smiled softly.

"So you're the new Alice." Green shook hands with Yellow then turned back to Red. "Red you're a genius."

"She's Yellow. We're not staying long because I've got to show her to everyone." Red chuckled.

Then Green sighed. He put his hands in his pockets. His face turned serious.

"Still can't find...Blue?" Green asked quietly.

"No. I'm sure if she's doing fine..." Red sighed.

"Blue?" Yellow looked up at Red's sad eyes.

"Yes, she's the tinker bell of the story." Green stated.

"What does she look like?" Yellow asked.

Red looked at Green, motioning for him to answer. Green faked a cough.

"Well um...she's pesky and obnoxious. She has long brown hair and ocean blue eyes." Green said.

"I-I know her!" Yellow yelled.

"You do?!" Red looked at her with hope in his eyes.

She nodded. Yellow looked through her bag and found the picture. She showed the picture to Green and Red. It was of the BW Agency. Yellow pointed to Blue and they gasped.

"She's your friend?!" Red exclaimed.

"Yes. She's a voice actor at the moment. Blue is happy but sadly our club is shutting down so she's sad." Yellow said. "Although, Blue is healthy and happy."

Green and Red looked at each other then back at Yellow.

"Can you bring her next time?" Red asked.

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