Chapter 2

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Then the contract was signed.

The boy smiled, his bunny ears sprouting up.

"I'm Red by the way." The boy said, bowing.

"Oh um...I'm Amarillo De Verde. But known as Yellow." Yellow smiled back.

"I guess I should introduce you to the fairy tales." Red mumbled.

"Oh yes please!" pleaded Yellow.

"I guess you like fairy tales." Red remarked.

Yellow looked through her sling bag and then grabbed something out. She showed a book to Red. On the cover is called 'Fairy Tales.'

"I see." Red's smile grew wider.

Yellow placed it back in her bag. Red started walking and Yellow followed.

"So Red, how did Wonderland come so corrupted?" Yellow asked.

"The last Alice...she did a sin. Sins in Wonderland are crimes. Her sin was murder, the worst sin in here. If Alices do sins then Wonderland becomes corrupted because Alice is the source of everything here." Red explained. "So if Alice is happy then Wonderland would get brighter. If Alice is sad then Wonderland would rain. If Alice is embrassed, then Wonderland's sky would turn pink. Get the idea?"

"Yes. But if I'm an Alice then why is this place still corrupted?" Yellow asked.

"Because the last Alice was a mistake. She was a witch so she cursed Wonderland so no more Alices or Princesses come anymore." Red replied.

"Hey Red!" The duo turned around to see the source of the voice.

It was a beast running to them. It only had ripped pants on. Yellow yelped, shocked by the figure. Red squeezed her hand.

"It's okay. He's the beast. He wasn't always like this." Red whispered softly.

Yellow smiled. She nodded in response.

"Who? What? When? Where? Why?" The beast pointed to Yellow.

"I brought her here. She wants to save Wonderland!" Red yelled.

The beast blinked before laughing a deep laugh.

"She maybe an Alice but we still need the Princesses. But it's great that we have an Alice. How did she get that outfit by the way? Did the tailor make 'em?" The beast smiled.

"No Gold. It appeared when she went down the hole meaning she is an Alice." Red stated.

The beast, Gold, just stayed frozen.

"N-n-n-no way!" The beast sniffed Yellow. "That scent..."

Red smiled and squeezed Yellow's hand slightly.

"We've got an Alice! A true Alice!" Gold shouted, dancing around.

Someone came out if a cottage was near. He was wearing a brown shirt and black pants. He had a brown pirate cap on (Like Sapphire's hat). He ran to them, panting.

"A-Alice? Where! Don't tell me you're ly-" the boy turned and saw Yellow.

His dark red eyes looking at her a while. Then he beamed.

"T-T-This is great! Red you amazing guy!" The man shook Red's hands furiously.

"This is Ruby the tailor." Red said.

Ruby bowed. He smiled.

"Pleasure to meet you, Alice." Ruby said.

"I-I'm Yellow." Yellow mumbled.

Wonderland [PokeSpe AU]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum