Siberia's Shadow: Terror Unleashed within the Palace

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With the royalists getting read for a battle with the rebellion, Snowstorm meets with his mate before giving her a special mission to figure out how the royalists were able to figure out his motives so quickly, yet all soon comes to a screeching halt when something terrible occurs to the Prince

Sorry for the rather poor and rushed chapter lol

The sound of talons clicking upon the icy floor echoed through the long corridor as an IceWing hurried towards an exit leading outside of the palace. Peeking out from the narrow entrance, making sure that the coast was clear before moving onto a small balcony which was very high up.

Looking over the icy railings, the Icewing stared down at the countless buildings below, that made up the Capital, trying to see if there were any guards about.

Happy with seeing no one about, the Icewing took off, gliding down in a spiral and landing gracefully upon the snow-covered ground, and as it did so, shook off bits of snow that clung to the wings.

The Icewing then leapt back into the air again, and flew towards Snowstorm's home, a sizable snowy structure not too far from the palace, that would offer him some privacy.

Upon reaching the destination, the Icewing landed upon the soft snow-covered ground, feeling the gentle crunch of snow beneath its paws, which felt refreshing accompanying their arrival. They gave one more look around the area before pushing open the double doors and stepping inside, closing them behind gently.

Making their way down the long corridor, the soft orange glow of candlelight danced over the Icewing's scales, while passing a few rebel Icewings chatting among themselves. Upon reaching the main living room where Snowstorm sat on a chair, the Icewing stood completely still, not making a sound while looking around the room.

A few small candles were dotted around the large room, flickering slightly as they illuminated parts of it, with one candle sitting upon his desk, the flame danced while the sound of a talon running over a scroll filled the room. Snowstorm was engrossed in writing a message without even turning back, he called out to the IceWing who had entered while dipping two talons in fresh ink.

"Is everything in order?" Snowstorm questioned, his ink-covered talons coming to a stop as droplets of ink dripped from them onto the scroll. His ears flicked about attentively as he waited for a response.

"Sir, the Royal family has returned early," the IceWing replied, bowing their head respectfully. Snowstorm tapped his talons against the silver table noisily as he contemplated the news.

"Anything else, Icelance?" Snowstorm turned his head slightly, his gaze fixed upon Icelance, who shifted nervously under his scrutiny.

"W-well, sir, Prince Snowheart is... much larger than last time," Icelance stammered, tilting his head downward, avoiding Snowstorm's intense gaze.

Snowstorm rose from his chair, cleaning his right paw talons of ink, his expression unreadable as he began to pace about, tail flicking while he made his way up to a large shelf of scrolls, running a single talon along the wooden surface, humming to himself while Icelance shifted nervously on his paws.

"S-sir?" Came Icelance's voice once more, Snowstorm exhaled sharply while he pulled a medical scroll from the shelf before unrolling it, his talons tugging at the soft surface while he made his way back to his desk.

"Go and tell the rest of the rebellion that the plan has changed to step four" He dismissed him with a flick of his tail. Icelance gave a quick bow before scurrying out from Snowstorm's home, launching himself into the air, flapping his wings wildly.

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