Chapter one: Birth of the special one

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Glacier soared effortlessly through the air, her royal guards following closely behind her. Despite being in the safety of the Ice Kingdom, she knew it was necessary to remain cautious due to the ongoing war that had recently begun. With a tired sigh, she ran a single finger across her brow, feeling the weight of responsibility resting heavily upon her shoulders.

She had already visited the Diamond hatchery six times this month, which was not considered a very regal behaviour as it meant pushing meetings and other responsibilities aside. She knew that others looked down upon her for this, but she couldn't help worrying about her first egg. Her mind was constantly preoccupied with thoughts about it.

Although she never showed it, her mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the well-being of the egg and the potential consequences of losing it. Under her tough exterior, she had heard rumours flying around the palace that she was extremely paranoid about the safety of her unborn hatchling. She had gone to great lengths to provide triple the usual security measures both outside and inside the Diamond caves to ensure the egg's protection.

"We have arrived, Your Majesty," one of the royal guards said as he caught up with her, this caused her to snap out of her thoughts, seeing that they had indeed arrived. feeling anxiety grip her, Glacier landed rather rough, not like her usual graceful landing to which she would have done so if not for her fear of her egg.

"Your maje~" One of the three guards stationed at the cave's entrance was cut off when Glacier sped past him, leaving the three fourth circle dragons lost for words.

In the dim light of the royal hatchery, Glacier had ordered that no fewer than five guards were to be positioned around her egg at all times while two fifth circle dragonesses were always assigned to tend to the egg whenever Glacier wasn't able to tend to her egg

The guards sprang into defensive stances when the sound of talons against the icy floor was heard, Icestroke slowly moved towards the entrance to the hatchery chamber, spear in forepaws while his tail lashed behind him.

"Be careful Icestroke!" Shush, who was also a fourth circle guard hissed, she held her spear tightly as the talon steps came closer. Icestroke was about to lunge when Queen Glacier came around the corner, finding a spear close to her face, and a rather flushed guard.

"Y-y-your majesty, please accept my sincere apologies" Icestroke instantly bowed to Glacier, her glare on him feeling like icicles puncturing through his very soul, making him shiver slightly while Glacier moved past him, her right wing dragging over him when suddenly, she stopped, a gasp leaving her.

In the royal nest, there was a little male hatchling covered in what was left of the egg membrane, with broken parts of the egg scattered around him. Glacier, his mother, noticed he was larger than the typical Icewing hatchling. She rushed over to him, pushing past the fifth circle dragonesses.

She laid on her side and curled around her tiny Icewing, nuzzling his body. The hatchling's eyes were blue like sapphires, and his body was silvery white with grey-blue freckles on his snout and neck. Glacier found him adorable and chuckled when he rose onto his hind paws and placed his tiny forepaws on her snout, letting out an adorable squawk.

She whispered to her son, "Hello little one, welcome to the world." She let him clamber over her, even allowing him to nom on one of her horns, which made her laugh. It was fortunate that he had no teeth yet.

"You ready to see the kingdom?" She asked her son, who in return looked at her with a tilted head, blinking before letting out an excited squawk, jumping up and down on top of her, his tiny wings flaring around as he spun around in circles.

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