Time, the witness

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Would you spend time in a world,

You know you're never going to live in?

Would you choose to sit next to another?

And lay on your back,

Staring at the stars.

As the sand in the hourglass trickles,

Without clear purpose?

Is the sunset worth the wait?

Is the dash of light,

From a shooting star,

Worth the pain on your neck

From looking upwards,

Hours upon hours,

Hoping it might not be missed?

Is life really for one?

Or for all.

Are we but a small whiff of air,

Coursing through the open skies?

Or are we the hurricane,

Pushing through every obstacle

In unison,

Tearing down everything in our path,

Slowly dissipating from the inside.

Are we a chord amongst an infinite symphony?

A blissful second amongst eternal euphony?

Are we a second of pain.

In a world of cacophonous chaos.


What is today,

Will not be tomorrow.

The trickling of this hourglass

Refuses to stop,

And will not be flipped,

For anyone.

AbroadNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ