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"Cal, can I grab you, bro?" Chris asked the boy as Nellie began to walk away

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"Cal, can I grab you, bro?" Chris asked the boy as Nellie began to walk away.

Nellie saw that Joanna was sitting with Arabella and Georgia H on the day beds when she approached

"Jo, can we please have a chat?" Nellie asked with a fake smile

"Sure!" Jo responded as she got up, "Sun loungers?"

"Fab," Nellie said as she led Jo to the spot

The girls sat down on opposite loungers before Nellie began to speak

"So, Cal told me that you had said to him that you were potentially interested in getting to know him," Nellie openly started, catching Jo quite off guard

"Yeah, so, I did say that to Cal. I hold my hands up to that, but he immediately shut it off saying he was only keen on getting to know you," Jo defended

"Yeah, I know he said that. What I don't get is, why would you even try. Like, what was your goal?" Nellie asked confused

"I so get where you're coming from, but like, you gotta be yourself in here and like be selfish at times," Jo defended

"Yeah but Joanna, obviously Cal was never going to entertain anything with you-" Nellie said before Joanna cut her off

"What's that supposed to mean?" Joanna asked offendedly

"He told you he was not interested when you first got in here, he shut it down with Jess literally two days ago because he's getting to know me. We're pretty closed off. I really don't understand what you thought was ever going to come from that, besides going against our friendship," Nellie said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world

"No, I would never! I value our friendship-" Jo said as Nellie cut her off

"Well, then why would you talk to Cal! Especially before saying anything to me. It looks very muggy Jo. I really don't understand why you would think that approaching Cal like that was a smart decision," Nellie admitted

"Look, I really didn't mean for it to hurt you. I did just want for him to know how I felt, and I did want to be open and honest with my feelings." Jo said, "I should have said something to you, and I am sorry that I didn't. I wouldn't want to come between the two of you, but like, you never know if you don't try,"

LOVER - love island all starsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora