Tell All Your Friends 🥺

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Jake laughed, holding his lover close. "I like him. Can we keep him?" He whispered into Andy's ear. "I'm working on it." Andy replied, earning a confused look from his husband.

"He can play the bass." Andy explained. Jake's eyes widened and he slowly smiled.

Anyone that they ever told about their relationship was always shocked at first, but then just kind of got over it and was happy for them. Jake was kind of proud that they managed to keep their relationship so low key that even people close to them were surprised.

It was definitely hard sometimes. Jake couldn't help but feel a bit jealous whenever his bandmates got to post about their wives without any worry(other than the usual jealousy from parasocial fans). Jake wanted that so bad. He wanted to be able to post about his husband without having to filter comments, he wanted to do interviews without dealing with weird questions about his marriage as if it was any different from his bandmates' marriages.

It was stupid and unfair and Jake felt like there would never be a perfect world for them to just exist in.

The door to the hotel room opened to reveal the singer. He looked absolutely exhausted. His ever growing hair was disheveled and hanging in his face, and his eyes looked so tired.

"How was the interviews?" Jake asked curiously. Andy merely groaned, taking off his jacket and tossing it onto a chair in the corner of the room. "That bad, huh?" He laughed.

Andy crawled onto the bed on top of Jake, burying his face in his chest. "I've answered the same questions fifty different times today." Andy complained, drawing a chuckle from the older man.

"Poor baby." Jake hummed, running his fingers through Andy's dark hair. "Was that all the interviews you had left for today?" He asked. Andy shook his head no and groaned, making Jake smile. "Zoom I'm guessing." Andy merely nodded in confirmation.

Andy grumbled something, but it was completely unintelligible. "Want to try that again?" He laughed.

"This is so stupid. Why the hell do they all ask the same damn questions? I get needing the basic shit, but if one more person asks me who my favorite fucking batman is-!" Andy huffed, lifting his head up enough to prop his chin onto Jake's chest.

"It could be worse." Jake tried to console him with an amused smile. "They could ask when you're settling down-."

"One of them already did." Andy interrupted with an eyeroll. Jake tried to hold in a laugh, he really did, but the scowl he received from the younger man broke him.

Andy tried to glare as his husband threw his head back with laughter, but he couldn't. He started chuckling, burying his face in Jake's neck, kissing it lightly.

"Do you think you'll ever want to tell people?" Jake asked, the laughter having barely died down, dissolving into slight giggles.

Andy shrugged, leaning up to kiss Jake's jaw. "I don't know. It's been a long ass time, I think the fans might kill us if we say it now." He joked.

Jake rolled them over so that he was on top of And, straddling his waist as he leaned down, kissing him slowly. "I don't know, I've been thinking about it a lot more recently and I just- I don't know. Neither of us really post on social media, but it would be nice to be able to brag about my husband." He said after he pulled away, tracing his fingers over Andy's cheekbone.

Andy looked up at him with a solum, but understanding gaze. He knew what his husband meant, and he felt the same way. It was just terrifying. They have been married for ten years now and together for longer. It felt strange coming out at this point. Was it even an option?

Jandy oneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora