chapter 16: the Rouges ii

Start from the beginning

Logan:im only blushing

Wendy: don't be silly,i can see those are bruises.. you should ice it up okay

Logan: thanks Wendy

End of flashback

Logan goes to his room

Adrien is about to sit when Liam appears

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..Adrien is about to sit when Liam appears

Liam:you didn't do that chore you promised to do

Adrien:(sigh)i didn't forget relax... I'm just waiting for you to tell me which chore is that

Liam:oh,you have to clean my room

Adrien:fine let's go...

Liam's room is incredibly dirty


Liam:come on man,the library was way dirtier than this room.. you'll be done in a moment

Adrien: you always clean around the come your room is this messy?

Liam:i clean the house cause i don't have a choice, I can't disobey captain..but this is my room,i can do whatever i want


Liam: I've been waiting for this day!..

Liam jumps into a couch and reads his newspaper while Adrien starts cleaning his room...

Liam jumps into a couch and reads his newspaper while Adrien starts cleaning his room

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After a while,Bianca appears on the door

Bianca:Adrien, I've been waiting for a while now

Liam blushes and sweats

Adrien: I'll be right there

Bianca: okay hurry...oh hi Liam

Liam:ahhhhh!!!..i.. hi!


Adrien:what was that all about?


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