Chapter 4: Selection Test

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It's a week later, Adrien and his friends are ready for the entry exam..They pack their stuff ready to go

Helen:you three becareful out there

Ruby: and even if you don't pass the exam... you're more than welcome to come back here, we'll be here to comfort you

Helen:i have full faith they'll pass

Martha:(teary) i hate to admit it but im gonna miss you brats so much!

Martha hugs the three of them

Ruby:and make no mistake,you must...

Kade:we know,we must call you and send letters every week.,we got it

Adrien:well i guess this is good-bye everyone

Everyone: good-bye!!

Everyone waves at them as they leave ...

They reach the royal capital and make it to the Ace of Spade center,where the exam is held... it's a very large center filled with young people willing to be Spades

Adrien:whoa..this place is so big


Lily: im happy i get to experience all these amazing adventures with you two..i couldn't ask for anything more


Lily: we're like best friends forever!

Kade:we heard that a thousand times

Lily:we should come up with a name for our friendship

Adrien: don't you think that's a little too much?

Lily:come on, everybody does it

Kade:no one does that

Lily:uhmm,which name...uhmm,ohh..Likadrien

Kade:so cringy

Lily:come on boys.. it's a cool name..and I've also made friendship bracelets!

Lily takes out some bracelets she made herself

Kade:yeah no

Lily:come on,it took me the whole night to make these

Kade: they're super ugly

Adrien: that's mean Kade.. I'll take it

Kade: doesn't surprise me... you're used to getting hideous bracelets

Adrien:hey ,this bracelet is important to me,a friend of mine gave it to me long time ago

Lily: it's not friendship if you don't spend time get rid of it and take mine

Adrien: I'll just take both

Lily:wear mine on the hand

Adrien:give it here..
Adrien combines the two bracelets into one

Adrien:there... problem solved...

Lily:hey you ruined my bracelet

Adrien:i thought it was mine...


Adrien:this is my lucky charm now

Kade: you're both super weird


Adrien:the entry exam is about to start

Director:hello ladies and gentlemen of Spade Kingdom... we're pleased to welcome you to Ace of Spade center...we can see how we have so much young competitors this year! before we begin.. I'd like to welcome our very special guests... starting off with The spade Captains!...

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