A little surprise

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Emily's pro

Elijah wakes up and gets ready for work before he leaves he gives me a kiss and he puts his tongue into my mouth Mmm~. See you later my love he winks at me as he walks out the door. I go back to sleep. A few hours later I get up and get ready for the day. I go to the kitchen and I make myself a beagle and coffee then I give Angle her food.

I call Grace a few seconds later she picks up. Grace: hey bebes whats up? I smile once I hear her voice. Hey do you have work today? I ask. Grace: I do not it's my day off why? She asks. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out and go to the mall? I ask. Grace: that sounds so fun I'll text you when I'm outside she says. Ok sounds good see you bye.

A few minutes later Grace comes and picks me up and we start to drive to the mall. Grace: so tell me how everything is going. I smile, it's going well he has such a nice shower and he gave me my own space in the closet. Everything is good I'm very happy. She looks at me and smiles, I'm glad to hear that I know the past has been so rough I'm so glad you found someone that treats you right.

I sigh, yea I don't like remembering the past I'm lucky to be were I'm at right now Elijahs the best thing to ever happen to me but what about you how are you and Carter doing. Grace rolls her eyes, Not to good Carter works so much so we never get anytime together and he comes home late and is so tried he just goes straight to bed. I talked to him about me wanting my own studio and he didn't really say anything I don't know what's going on with him he's been acting so different lately.

I look at her confused, that's so weird Elijah comes home the same time every day he gets done at 5:00 pm. Elijah is never out late and if he is he brings me with him he doesn't like not leaving me alone for that long and we usually have the same days off. Grace looks at me shocked, You don't think Carter would cheat on me do you I mean it would make a lot of sense though he comes home late and hes always tried he hasn't been lovely with me lately either omg he is!

We get to the mall parking lot Grace parks and starts to freak out. I hold her tight Grace clam down I don't think Carter is cheating on you he is Elijahs assistant he probably makes him work really hard. Grace starts to calm down, Ok your right he wouldn't cheat but could you ask Elijah just incase I just wanna know. I smile and wipe her tears away, ofc I will I'll talk to Elijah and I'll let you know whats going on.

She smiles and hugs me tight, thank you Emily your the best. Now lets not talk anymore about the boys, jobs ok lets just have a fun day ok I look at Grace. She giggles, fine ok. We get out of the car. What stores are you thinking about going in what do you need Grace asks. Well I was thinking about going to Sophora and Victoria Secrets. Graces face lights up those are great choices. I smile, yeah I just need some makeup and I want to buy something for Elijah so I need your help to pick out something sexy.

Grace smiles, yes I'm so down to help you lets go. We went to Sophra first and then we go to Victorias Secrets I try on a few sexy outfits and I finally found one that I think Elijah will love. What do you think about this one I show Grace. Grace is speechless, that's the one he is going to love it. I smile now it's your turn.

Graces looks at me weird, what do you mean it's mine turn? I giggle and pull her into the dressing room with me and I get changed back into my clothes hold onto this and stay here I'll be right back. I go and look for some sexy clothes for Grace and I find some great choices. I go back to Grace I knock on the door and hand her the outfits.

She tries them on one by one. That one you look great in that he's going to love you in that. We both buy the outfits and soon leave the mall Grace takes me home before Elijah gets home. Thank you girl today was so funny let me know what happens with you and Carter. She nods, I will let me know what Elijah says. I nod, ofc love you bye.

                                                                                      Graces outfit

I get out of the car and go into the house I take a shower and I put on my sexy outfit and I do my hair up cute I head Elijah pull into the driveway and I go to the front door and get on my knees

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I get out of the car and go into the house I take a shower and I put on my sexy outfit and I do my hair up cute I head Elijah pull into the driveway and I go to the front door and get on my knees. I hear him unlock the door and he walks in. Hi daddy I smile at him. Elijah looks me up and down and licks his lips, God you look so sexy baby he cups my face

 Elijah looks me up and down and licks his lips, God you look so sexy baby he cups my face

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I undo his pants and pull them down to see he's growing a boner and I love it. I leave his boxers on and I rub his cock and start to kiss his cock up and down. He puts his hand in my hair and I continue to tease him. Mmm baby. I pull his boxers down and his cock springs out I rub is cock and I kiss it up and down to the base. I open my mouth wide and I take all of him inside of my mouth.

I start to suck on his cock and he grips his hand in my hair and he pushes me down even more he take control and bobs my head on his cock. I wrap my tongue around his cock and move it up and down he moans and I start to suck faster and soon enough he cums in my mouth. Look at me baby. I look up at him and he smirks, be a good girl and swallow all of me. I swallow him all and clean his cock.

He rubs my cheek up and down, what a great surprise to come home to what I good girl. I get up and hug him tight. I missed you. He smiles, I missed you to baby. 

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