What a day

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                                                                                     5 Months later

I wake up next to Elijah in his bed. I go to the closet and pick out my work clothes for the day then I go into the bathroom to take a shower when my phone starts to ring. I pick it up hey bebes Grace says. Hey honey whats up? I ask. What are you doing today? She asks. I have work until 3 pm why? I ask. Well I was thinking we could catch up I haven't see you in a while.

I sigh, I'm sorry I've just been so busy with moving you know. She giggles, I know how is it living with Elijah must be exciting she says. It's great actually he put a coffee shop in my library which is really nice because I get to work it and if I want to work the desk of the library then I can because I'm the boss. So Elijah bought the library so no one could take it from me I said.

Awe that's so cute I wish my man would do something like that for me I want to have my own make up studio instead of going to everyone to do their make up she sighs. Well have you hinted to Carter that's what you want for your bd I said. No he is just to busy with work right now with Elijah she says in an annoyed tone. I understand they both work a lot but they both make good money I said.

Yeah but I feel like Carter is overworked now more than ever and not only is Carter Elijah's assistant but he's his best friend which makes it worse she says. Honey look they both work a lot and work hard just give it time when he gets off work today talk to him I'm sure he'll understand he wouldn't choose Elijah over you I know because Elijah wouldn't choose Carter over me trust me just talk to him.

She sighs, fine I will but can you hang out after work today? She asks. I'm sorry I can't today maybe another time ok? She sighs, fineeeee I guess bye I love you. I smile bye I love you to. I hang up the phone and get ready for work. When I'm all ready I make sure I have everything for the day. Elijah hugs me from behind and kisses my neck, I hate that you have to go I want to cuddle and watch movies all day with you he pouts.

I turn around and smile at him I know babe but I have to go to work I kiss him softly. He cups my cheek, I'll see you tonight my love he winks at me. I blush hard and head to work.

Elijah's pro

I get ready and go to my office I press the button that opens up the cameras and I go to Emily's work I see her working at the coffee shop in her library. I smile when I see how happy she is. An hour later I look at the cameras again. There's a guy that walks up to the coffee shop and ordered something then he leans against the counter and is talking to Emily.

I zoomed in and put the volume up and I listened in. Guy: So do you like owning the library? Emily: I do I love owning a library I love libraries. Guy: it's a nice touch that the you put a coffee shop in it's like a little study place it gives a good vibe. Emily: thanks I was hoping people would like it a study vibe is honestly what I was going for.

Guy: do you like coffee and sweets? Emily: I do, I love coffee and sweets are my favorite that's why I put the coffee shop in because I love it. Guy: well I know a really good coffee shop that has some bomb sweets and they can make any coffee you want maybe you would like to go after you get done with work? Emily hands him his coffee and lightly smiles, I have a boyfriend and I have to get back to work sorry.

The guy gets angry Guy: so what if you have a boyfriend you can't have any friends? Emily rolls her eyes and sighs, I can have friends just not guy friends and that's my choice I wouldn't want my boyfriend to have friends that are girls so I'm not going to have guys that are friends especially ones that just asked me out.

Guy: you make a good point so if I didn't ask you out you would be my friend? Emily: I'm not going to play this game with you, first of all your a stranger I just met and making coffee for, second I don't like having guy friends because they never just want to just be friends, and third you were sweet in the beginning but now your being a jerk because I'm saying no.

Guy: whatever your not even that hot anyway your such a prude you probably wouldn't of gave it up anyway I feel sorry for your boyfriend. I grit my teeth at what he just said to Emily I want to rip him apart for flirting with her and for talking to her like that. Emliy: You know what it's none of your business what I do and don't do with my boyfriend now go find a girl that will be ok with your small dick and bad attitude.

The guy becomes speechless, throws away the coffee and storms off. I look at the other cameras and I follow the guy. Carter get in here now! Carter comes in my office fast, What's wrong?! I look at him with a serious face I need you to find this guy get all of his information who he is where he lives what he does everything I need to know.

Carter looks at me worried because he knows the look in my eyes my eyes get really wide and turn really dark that means I'm about to kill someone. Elijah what happened? I smile nothing happened why do you ask. Carter sighs and puts his hand on me come on I know that look you've only had this look one another time what did this guy do?

I huff and show Carter the footage. Carter gulps I'm on it, Carter gets on the computer and does his thing. I put my hand on his shoulder thank you Carter. He smiles, I would do anything for you your my brother by heart. A few mins later, Alright here's what I got his name is Mike Jake Walker hes 24 hes a nurse he lives in the small apartments on ella and lime street.

I smile, Carter you are brilliant at what you do thank you. Me and Carter do actual work the rest of the day. Hours later, Carter I need you to locate where Mike Walker is we should take care of this business before Emliy gets home and then you can go for the day how does that sound? He smiles that sounds good sir, Carter looks up the location and it only takes a second. He's at his apartment second floor 238.

I smirk, great let's go. Me and Carter drive to his apartment and go to his floor. Here put these on I hand Carter A black mask and gloves and we both put them on. I knock on the door and it opens wide I push Mike inside and Carter closes the door and locks it I knock him out and tie him to a chair and put a blind fold around his eyes.

Good idea so he doesn't know who we are huh? Carter asks. I chuckle, exactly can't have him knowing who we are and running to the cops now can we? Carter smiles, your a smart man. The guy wakes up after a while. So you think being an asshole to girls is cool and hitting on them when they're not interested in you. Listen to me and listen to me closely if you ever go around Emily or in her library or around it I will kill you next time.

Guy:Pls I didn't mean it she was just being so stubborn you know how girls are dude I was just joking. I laugh, I'm sure you didn't Mike I know everything about you I know where you live I know your 24 you have no kids no girlfriend, wife, nothing and your a nurse how cute do you talk your patients like you did Emily because I'm sure if you did you would be fired right?

I'm only going to give you one warning if you don't listen I will kill you and no one will ever find you I might barry you alive who knows. I pull out my gun and aim it at his head, do I make myself clear M I K E. Guy: Y-yes pls don't kill me I won't do it again I promise I'll leave her alone. I point my gun at his knee. BANG! BANG! I shot him in two places in his knee and his elbow. AHHHHH! He starts to scream and I cover his mouth.

Your a nurse you should know how to take care of it. Carter unties him and he falls down. Me and Carter leave I drive Carter to his place and then I drive home. Once I get home I clean everything up and hide the Cameras I put on something comfy and wait for Emily to get home. 

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