Shubhi: I am stepping out to call mom and dad, informing them to get the car to take Dyuti home.

Dr Rajan: Sure I am here with my angel

Veni: But Dee you can come in our car, chachu has a big car and he drives very well.

Dr Rajan: Ohh you have brought out your car collection?

Daivik: Yes I have started to drive the machines I had here, they were rusting in the garage

Veni: Let us take Dyuti for a ride!!

Dr Rajan: Erm...I am not sure her family will appreciate it .... also she is just recovering so she needs rest not adventure princess!

Daivik: Her mother.... does she have a will they arrange it?

Dr Rajan: Ohh they have normal cars, nothing of your interest...

Dyuti: My grandparents and uncles have many cars. But I love mumma's car, it has a books basket!

Daivik: So, you love books?

Veni: Yes, we are planning our book club.

Dr Rajan: Hey Daivik, can you monitor the kids for a few minutes, I am needed in emergency.

Daivik: We will be here for some time.

Dr Rajan: I will start the discharge procedure for Dyuti, usually it takes an hour or two.

Veni: Then we will be here for one hour!

Daivik: As our princess says!

Dr Rajan: Inform Shubhi that the process will start, and she should go to the accounts department to close it.

Daivik: Yes Watson!

Dr Rajan steps out and while the girls are busy chattering, Daivik gets busy on his phone. After a few minutes, Shubhi walks back into the room. She finds the situation awkward but decides not to say much, as she sits on her chair again, she focuses her gaze on her daughter and Veni.

Daivik: (clearing his throat) Rajan had to run for emergency, but he mentioned that the discharge process has started, and you can go to the Accounts section for the details.

Shubhi: Ohh thanks, my parents will be here in half an hour I will go there then

Daivik: We are here so if you want to go talk to them, you can

Veni: We are here for an hour!

Shubhi: But surely your chachu has his office work

Veni: But he said today is for his princess- that is me!

Shubhi: Err...that is sweet, but he might want to go somewhere

Veni: He has broken his leg so wherever he sits he cannot get up for an hour!

Shubhi: (trying to suppress her laughter) ohh that's bad, so why did he come today

Veni: Because today is princess day for me! Veni! But the secret is that Dr uncle is his friend and he has given sweet medicines to chachu!

Shubhi: Oh no! I must protest then; he always gives me kadvi dawai (bitter medicine)

(Daivik is amused by this exchange – how nicely Shubhi handles kids)

Veni: You will also have to become his friend for that!

Daivik: (irritated by the idea, mutters slowly) she is already his friend...she hugged him!

Shubhi: What?

Daivik: You were going to the Accounts section?

Shubhi: I will.... wait for my parents to be here...they should be here in fifteen minutes

Blessed: The Abandoned WifeWhere stories live. Discover now