Truth Seekers

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Taking place in the human world. Where in a room filled with monitors with every clip that showed IMP on their missions. It stopped at one footage of Blitz as a male points out "Right there! This was the first sighting."

A female then said "They are definitely from Hell. They must use this dark magic to cross over into our world...and they seem to be killing specifically-targeted people, but why?"

It turns out the two were Agents named Agent 1 and Agent 2.

Agent 1 adds on "They always attack at random, all over the country. There's no way to predict where they'll show up next."

They jumped a bit as they heard a loud clattering noise from outside. The two glance over to a hole in the wall that is covered with a small wooden plank. Agent 1 pulls the plank down a bit and to their surprise, they found Blitz, climbing out of a garbage can, the demon they were looking for

"Ah well, that's convenient." Agent 2 smirked


At the Alleyway

"Shh! Remember, we can't be seen." Blitz whispered loudly as he tried to get out of the trash but ended up falling over.

"Pardon my word sir but you're currently being the loudest" Moxie points out

"I said shush your dick sucking lips moxie" Blitz said as he pokes him with a used condom on his finger.

Moxie cringes and backs away with disgust

Greedo groans and said “can you both shut the fuck up?”

Behind Moxie, the portal opened. Avarice waved at them. Greedo walked ahead to the portal, and before Moxie could walk to the portal,  blitz yelled out "Get down!" He got pinned by Blitz as he glares

Blitz saw agent 1 with a net gun, reloading it then aiming at the boys. He looked up as Agent 2, coming down from the top building with a weapon as well.

Avarice saw that he was able to land where Greedo was. Without thinking, She grabs him by his top and throws him in the portal as she steps out.

He looked at the portal and yelled out to his daughter "Loona! Close it!"

"Wait! No!" Millie yelled before Loona closed the Portal

Moxie glares then pulls out his gun. He runs to Agent 2 as he dodges her shooting. When he landed, he got hit by a tranquilizer. He babbles a bit then falls on the ground

"Moxie!" Both Avarice and Blitz yelled out

Blitz went to Moxie before he could pick him up. He yelped when he was lifted up along with Moxie by Avarice "We gotta run"

Avarice started running as she jumps over Agent 2 and heads down the Alley

The agents ran after him as Blitz warned "they're behind you Avarice, run faster! Run with those legs of yours" he ordered

Twins of Mammon (Helluva boss x Twin ocs)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant