1. Mud

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"Pushing someone into the mud again, Callie

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"Pushing someone into the mud again, Callie." Becca sneers.

"Tempting." I sigh lightly under my breath.

I have been walking around the training grounds. This class is the medium stage more or less, definitely not our most elite warriors but this is a class that is more of a toss up with some being able to rise in the ranks of warriors and some needing to stay within this class to improve longer. 

Becca is the one that needs to be here to improve more, her tongue is sharp but her body is not as quick which needs to be worked on as she wants to be in charge of patrol around the border. Though all the years that has passed, she still will not let it go how I tossed her in a mud puddle once as young kids. Like said, sharp tongue is her for-ta but not the strong suit needed for border guard.

Still a challenge sometimes not dropping her into a mud puddle. Worst part is to hear her whining over it for the rest of the day but if she needs me, as Alpha, to show her how it should be done then it would make for the easiest  mud throwing moment.

I take a deep, silent breath.

Truly must not think as such. Not how an Alpha should act.

Even if it would feel so good.


A small snarl over my own thoughts catches in my throat. With a shake of my head, I try to clear the thoughts. Truly not how an Alpha should act and Dad would be quick to chide me over this.

She should know to not to tease someone. Montie sasses within our mind.

My wolf is just sassy.

Says you. Montie snickers.

"Focus more on your defense as you lack in that section." I inform Becca, getting back to the topic at hand.

"I can't defend myself more than I have though or I will break a nail. Can you imagine the horror if my nail sliced into my eye?" Becca shrieks.

"Then cut your nails." I roll my eyes. At least someone gets to do their nails, mine are almost nonexistent. "You are training to become a border guard, if you are unable to conform to things now then you will not succeed as a guard out at the edge of the pack. I am all for being fashionable and your own person but not when it is going to restrict you from your full potential and place your life or others at risk."

Becca simmers down quickly and it is like the light bulb came on inside that noggin' of hers.

Finally. Just mention that fact of it costing her life and she focuses. Montie adds her sense in.

I watch as Becca turns with a new look of determination her face. My eyes narrow slightly and I cross my arms over my chest as Becca and Troy partner up once again.

Troy moves on the offense and Becca deflects his right hook with her forearms. His foot comes up and she is fast to slash hers knocking him off balance. Becca takes the bait though and Troy pulls her down as she went to punch him while he was on the ground from her foot sweep.

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