2: A Rather Long Day

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"I'm so excited!" Hiko flapped her wings a bit and boasted about her last hero studies, telling all about what Hikari missed out on. Sure, Hikari shouldn't be bitter about a choice he had made himself, but he would like to use his quirk for good. Sadly he was still busy being a criminal.

Hikari simply smiled and let Hiko boast. He let a yawn escape and almost turned around to go back to the apartment, but he didn't. Hawks wouldn't have left yet and would send him back to school.

Hiko stopped in front of UA and turned to Hikari. "Hey, so I was just wondering, why are you limping?"

A small twitch moved Hikari's lip an inch, but he ignored it as he gave Hiko a bright smile. "I fell, I bruised my side a bit." Really there was a bruise, so... he wasn't lying that much.

"Oh," Hiko showed an unconcerned smile, "I was a bit concerned is all."

Hikari nodded sleepily. "Sure."

"That's all?" Hiko asked as her beautiful white wings twitched in dismay.

"Hm?" Hikari rubbed his eyes, trying to stay awake.

"Sure?" Hiko repeated, but then she shook her head, "You need more sleep. I'm off to class. Have a good day!"

When Hiko left Hikari felt a kind of relief. Like a weight just got off his chest. It was odd. Hiko was his childhood friend, they had 'dated' for a week or so (they decided they were better as friends) and then they became besties, Hawks taking Hikari 'under his wing'. When Hikari moved in their friendship had changed once more and now Hikari saw Hiko more as a sister.

It honestly pained him, both Hiko and Hawks did.
In Hikari's opinion, he didn't deserve all this. I mean...he literally put them in danger them, just now, last night.

It was him or his new family, and Hikari couldn't afford to lose what he had fought for.
He sighed as he sat down in class. Mic greeted them loudly and Hikari wondered what death would be like. Really, he did because he knew that it might be close. He couldn't afford to fail.

Hiko sat down on her seat in class 1A.
She let a small yawn escape, but she had to recover quickly when she got a Mina in her face.

"Who was that outside!?"

"Just Hikari," Hiko said, her hand shielding her from the pink girl in front of her.

"Who's that?" Mineta asked jealously, "Your boyfriend?"

Mina rolled her eyes. "It's pathetic you're jealous—"

"He's not my boyfriend," Hiko said with a small smirk playing on her lips, "Not saying this to Mineta, but I'm single."
Mineta's face brightened but before he could speak Mina was already stomping on him.
Hiko got distracted at the thought of Hikari. What was that bruise about? Hiko knew a normal bruise wouldn't get Hikari to limp. Hikari was strong.

"Hey!" Midoryia walked up to Hiko, "You excited for Hero studies this afternoon?"

"I bet you are," Hiko said with a knowing smile. Midoryia went on to ramble about it. Hiko held in her laugh as Mineta ran past them, Mina seething as Jirou had to calm her down.
Class 1A was chaos. Hiko loved all of her friends.

At the end of the day, the pro hero Hawks realised it was past midnight. So it wasn't the end of the day, it was the start of the next one—
It wasn't usual that he worked until this late. In fact, he rarely did. Today was just chaos. He loved it. He didn't have to do any paperwork. It was perfect.

When Hawks found his apartment he stepped onto the balcony. He remembered landing there with Hiko, landing there with Hiko and her friend, landing there with Hiko and her other friend—
Before Hawks could step onto the balcony floor, his foot stayed on the glass wall.
Hikari lay on the balcony, his eyes closed, fast asleep. So now Hawks couldn't land there.
He entered the apartment like a normal person, feeling very odd for a moment.
What had he just seen? Why was there a child on the balcony? Asleep? What was Hawks doing wrong?
Hawks yawned and wondered wether he was hallucinating. Hadn't he just payed for a new bed for Hikari?

When Hawks lifted the child up in his arms he decided that the kid was trying his best. He carried him up to his room and pulled up to covers. Hawks yawned and was about to leave, but just to be sure he checked Hikari's phone. He didn't do anything weird, all Hawks did was turning on Hikari's alarm clock. He didn't want to cause the kid more stress.
Hawks left and closed the door, wondering what was up with him. Lately Hikari was home late a lot. He refused to hang out with him despite Hawks being the coolest guy there is...

Then it occurred to him that he could check Hikari's phone.
He glanced back at the door.

Hawks slapped himself in the face.
He couldn't.
Hawks was a cool parent. If it was something Hawks should know Hikari would just come to him. Right?

Parenting is hard, but Hawks decided that he probably was right. Just to be sure he would ask Hiko wether she knew anything, but for now Hawks would get some sleep. It had been a long day for the both of them.

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