Episode 11 ( 15 +) possessive side of murtasim

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He blink opened his Hazel eyes in utter confusion as he slowly looked around ,his brain slowly registering everything when suddenly the flashback hit him like a fully loaded train making his eyes opened wide as he carefully scanned the dark basement like room he was in ....

His body felt like it was paralysed and soon he realised the thousand ropes tying him to the uncomfortable brown chair placed in the center of the abandoned room , his heart raced against his chest as he looked at the rice sacks placed in the corner with thousands of sharp rocks thrown on top of the rice sacks , the only source of light in the dark room was the little window near the roof top , big enough to only fit a single hand .... his nose then scrunched up at the fresh smell of blood and to his worst nightmare as he looked further he saw a few droplets of human blood staining the concrete floor...

Before he could look further the sound of footsteps reached his ears as he looked upto see a a man in white shalwar kameez with a brown shawl wrapped around him walking down the long flight of stairs .....

His eyes widened in horror as he tried to speak but unfortunately the big rough cloth tied tightly to his mouth prevented him from doing so.....

Just as he thought nothing could get worse, his thought was proven wrong as the the face of the man came in his sight making every fiber in his body shook with anger as the man was no other than murtasim khan , the same man who snatched his meerab away from him... soon everything started to make sense ....

Murtasim's bloodshot eyes glared at him whilst a wicked smile played on his rought red lips as he slowly took a seat on the expensive leather seat placed next to the rock hard wooden chair armaan was tied to....

His hands dug into the leather chair as he twirled his mustache brain storming different ways of torturing armaan....

Soon his men brought in a tray full of torture tools of all shapes and sizes with knifes sharper than stones...

A humourless laugh escaped his lips as he saw the helpless man struggling to free himself from the ropes tying him...

" tch tch tch " murtasim looked at him with fake pity

" so what happened bastard ? A few hours ago u were being very brave , weren't you? Trying to stop my wedding? MURTASIM KHANS WEDDING? ..... no one can snatch meerab away from me , I will kill anyone who even lays his eyes on my possessions , and u bastard planned to snatch my most precious possession, my meerab? How dare u even think of being engaged to my meerab? , how did u even think of loving my meerab? .... he spoke in a cold dangerous yet calm voice......

His calm voice was the calm before the storm...

He then picked up the largest knife there and twirled it around his fingers violently before spitting out in a earth shaking voice..

" and now it's time for you to suffer the consequences "...


Meerab slightly shook in her sleep as she felt someone continously caressing her hair ....

She made a disapproving sound and pushed the hand way...

Before covering herself properly with the duvet when suddenly she felt the same hand caressing her hair but this time more roughly...

" WHAT happened meri jaan , don't u like my touch?" He dangerously growled in her ear in his raspy rough voice ad he sensually sucked and kissed her earlobe...

Meerab jolted up from the bed and looked up to see a pair of bloodshot eyes checking her up and down and glaring at her as if she had done a crime..

She looked around in confusion when suddenly yesterday's events played in her head on repeat making her eyes moist ...

As she looked carefully she was surprised to say the least ..

There stood an angry looking beast , his hair ruffled and messy , the dark circles under his eyes became more prominent , his hands fisted together as he looked at as if she was his prey making her shudder for a second before she collected all her courage and crossed her arms giving him the same stare back making him arch his eyebrows as if challenging her but ofcourse she wasn't the one to back down from any threats or challenges ... she was meerab waqas khan...

" don't you dare touch me you beast ... she screamed her voice laced with hatred... What do u think of urself, kuch nahi lagte tum mere , apni auqat meh raho ... She flipped her hair back and just as she turned around ...

She felt a rough arm snake around her waist and before she knew it she collided against a muscular chest as he wrapped his arm around her more tightly ....

She wriggled in his hold making him turn her around and his next act shocked her...

He gripped her jaw in a tight but not too painful grip and kissed on her jaw repeatedly as if claiming it as his .. meerab squirmed in his hold , hitting his well built chest with her tiny delicate fists in hope to stop him but to her bad luck it only turned him on as he gripped both her fists, keeping her one hand on his chest where his heart was whereas the other one in his mouth slowly sucking her fingers as if trying to remove any one else's touch from her hands...

Meerabs eyes went wide as she screamed at him trying to free herself when suddenly he left her hands and held her biceps...

" meerab bolo toh tum sirf meri ho" he commanded in a angry yet commanding tone...

Tears glistened in her eyes as she screamed at him...

" no I'm not , I dont belong to u , iss khush fehmi se bahr nikal aao, she spat a him unaware of the storm brewing inside him...

Unable to control himself anymore as the previous scenes of bakhtu telling him of armaan and meerabs engagement , and how meerab had said without any pressure of her family made his anger boil as he held her biceps a little more tightly and pushed her on the bed hovering over her , his eyes turning dark and body shivering with anger....

Meerab moved her face to the other side angering him more...

" It's time to show you and the world whom you belong to Mrs murtasim khan" he roared before putting his head in her neck , kissing and sucking her neck passionately before he bit on it making meerabs whole body tingle with pleasure before she suddenly came in her senses and pushed him off..

Murtasim creepily stared at her neck with a maniac creepy smirk...

Meerab breathed heavily and as she turned around to look in the mirror , her breath hitched as she saw a big blue hickey on her porcelain skin...

She felt her own anger bubble against her...

She turned around and gripped his collar...

" WHAT happened , why have u stopped? You don't even deserve to be called a man , what do u think ? Just because of thus little mark u forcefully made on my neck that you own me ? Mark my words meerab can never be yours ...

She slapped him when suddenly he held her hand and pushed her gently on the bed before moving forward to lock the door...

He quickly locked the door and then turned towards her with his bloodshot eyes .....

What do u think will happen next ? What do u wanna see? This side of murtasim or bad side of murtu? Should he rape her? Pls pls pls tell me what do u wanna see in the next episode ?

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