ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 6|ℑ𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔦𝔢𝔴|

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{sorry guys forgot to include that Armani is also a journalist, I added it to the characters now)

ᴀʀᴍᴀɴɪ's ᴘᴏᴠ

Today was the day of my interview with the sport journalist company. I was really excited but also really nervous, like what if I mess up, say the wrong thing . But I realised that I was overthinking too much and I calmed down

It was currently 8am and I was getting ready. My interview was at 10 so I had plenty of time.
I had a shower and did my skincare and makeup and I picked my outfit out

I had a shower and did my skincare and makeup and I picked my outfit out

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I went for something simple but not too unprofessional . I paired the outfit with a long coat to match the pants.
When I was done I headed downstairs careful don't to wake anyone up

I went to the kitchen and made my self a slice of toast.
I was almost done eating when Jude came downstairs, he looked half asleep still
"Morning" he said as he stretched
"Good morning"
"Why are you up so early?" I ask him
"I remembered your interview today so I woke up so I could drive you there"
"You don't have to Jude, I can go myself"
"But I want to so I will" he said trying his hardest to persuade me
"Fine but this is the last time, next time I'll go myself, okay?"
"Yeah yeah" he says
"I'll get changed and then we can go" he adds
"No problem I'll wait for you"

He then heads up stairs to change.
He finally comes down after what felt like an eternity
"Took you long enough"I say
"Looking this good takes time he says with a smirk
"Cocky much" I say and roll my eyes

It was now 9:10 and the place where the interview takes place is 30 minutes away so we decided to leave alittle early incase there was traffic.

On our way, we stopped at Starbucks cause I forced Jude to let me get a drink which he gave into. He's such a sweetheart

After our Starbucks stop, we continue driving and at around 9:50 we arrive at the building.
Jude insisted on waiting for me so he found a parking and I then made my way inside

I headed to reception
"Hi, I'm here to see Mrs Garcia with regards to the journalist position I say with a smile
" No problem mam, have a seat and I'll inform Mrs Garcia that you're here"
I nod and take a seat as the receptionist calls the interviewer
After a little while, the receptionist let's me know that I can head up to Mrs Garcia
I headed into the elevator and made my way up to her office. When I got there I knocked on the door and I then heard a faint 'come in'. I went inside and I was immediately greeted with a warm smile
"You must be Armani"
"Yes I am, very nice to meet you"
"Please have a seat" she motions for me to sit
I sit down and then she starts to ask me questions which I answer, she seems impressed but that could just be her acting, and there goes my overthinking again
After alot of questions she finally stops
"Armani, you fit every aspect of this job and I would love to offer it to you, but before I can I have to discuss it with my colleagues but I should have an answer by tomorrow. When I have the answer I'll email you and then we can go from there, is that okay?"
"That sounds perfect,thank you so much, I'll be waiting for your response"
I say as I stand up
"No problem, I'm glad you came otherwise I probably wouldn't of found anyone that was right for the job"
I laugh alittle and then say goodbye and leave, I'm super excited.

I headed back to Jude's car. I got in and he could see the smile on my face
"So how did it go?"
"It went amazing, she said I was everything she was looking for and that she would reach out to me tomorrow with an answer" I say excitedly
"That's great"
"I think it deserves a McDonald's stop don't you"
"But I don't want to " he says
"Ha see I tricked you so you have to take me"
"Uhhh fine but you're paying "
"Yeah we'll see about that" I snigger

He just ignores me as we drive to maccas, I'm bored so I connect my phone so I can play music. 'Love' by Keyshia Cole comes on and I immediately start singing. I notice Jude in the corner of my eye, he's smiling.
"Sing with me" I ask him
"No I don't want to"
"Please"I give him puppy dog eyes
He smiles at my antics and starts sing with me
The song ends exactly as we pull into the drive thru.
We then order our food or should I say I order my food cause Jude says he's in a diet but I literally saw him eat an entire box of sour patch kids yesterday and didn't even share with me
After awhile I get my food and then we drive home
"I know you said you can't have anything but I ordered you fries cause unlike you I care"
"Thank you" he says
"By the way I saw you eating those sour patch kids yesterday so don't pretend "
He just rolls his eyes
I'm so glad when we get home because I'm so tired.
I see Denise and I immediately tell her everything about the interview. After we talk, I head upstairs to take a nap. It's now about 3pm so I decided to take a 2 hour nap.

When I wake up it's alittle after 5.
After alittle while on my phone its about 5:50 pm. We have dinner at 6:30 so I now have an hour to entertain myself so I decide to clean up my room. I pick up all my stuff and put them away into the closet, then I clean up the bathroom and all my makeup. I make the bed and then I'm done. It's now 6:26 so I head down for dinner.

Denise has finished cooking and was about to call me down but then she saw me.
"That smells amazing, what is it?"
"Chicken Alfredo"
"Yummy I can't wait to eat"
"Dig in, I'm sure Jude should be down soon you know how engrossed he gets in FIFA " she says

I make myself a plate and sit down, shortly after Jude comes down and gets his dinner and sits down next to me
"I thought I wouldnt see you again"I say sarcastically to him
"You would be so sad if that actually happened" he says
"I wouldn't actually, I probably just use you for clout "
"That's how it is, okay no problem" he says annoyed
"I still love you though" he adds
I laugh "love you too"
Somehow we don't find it weird say that to eachother, almost like it comes naturally.
I'm enjoying my dinner till Jude decides to be an idiot and take a bite of my plate since he's obviously eating something healthy that he doesn't want
"Why'd you do that?" I pout
"Because I wanted to"
"I don't like you"
"Of course you don't you absolutely love me" he says
"Not after you are of my plate"
He rolls his eyes and eats his dinner. We both finish dinner and I clean up.
After that we watch TV with Denise alittle and then I'm too tired so I head up to bed.
Not long after I hear Jude go to his room to.
"Goodnight A" he says as he walks passed
"Night night J"I reply and then eventually fall asleep

Hiii guys
Sorry if there's any spelling errors, I wrote this at 11pm half asleep.
Hope you enjoyed and I'll try and update tomorrow again.
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