ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4|𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔰 𝔠𝔯𝔞𝔷𝔶|✦ραɾƚ2✦

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I went up to my room and put the stuff I bought away. I decided to take a nap since Denise had gone out and Jude was playing FIFA since he's been home on injury.
As I got under the sheets, none other then Jude himself walks in but he looks annoyed.
"Someone's mad" I say to irritate him alittle more
"I'm not mad I'm annoyed"he says sadly
"Why?" I ask
"Because of this girl she's being really annoying "he says
"Is it the one you were talking to yesterday, the one you were texting while dinner, by the way your mum was really pissed at that"
"Yeah that one, and that's why my mum ignored me this morning"he says
"Why is she annoyi..." I got cut off by Jude's phone ringing
"It's her again" he said throwing his phone on the end of the bed, annoyed again
"How do you even know her?" I ask
"We met at a cafe a couple of weeks ago and we started talking but she started to get annoying and possessive as if we were dating and then I tried giving her the hint alot yesterday but she just wasn't getting it and now I've been ignoring her and she keeps on texting and calling me and I don't know what to do"he rambles
"Why don't you just tell her you're not interested anymore?"
"Because she'll probably find me and kill me, that's how fucking psycho she is"
"How the fuck did you not notice it the first time, her voice is a dead giveaway"I then laugh at how weird this girl is
"I honestly couldn't tell you, she just seemed nice but I guess she's good at acting"
" Well what do you want to do?" I ask
"I don't know, please help me I beg you" he asks
"Well you could ask her to meet you and tell her you're not interested"
"You could text her"
"What should I say ?"
"Gimme your phone, I'll text her"
"Tell me what you're gonna say"
"Just give it"
He reaches and grabs his phone from the edge of the bed and hands it to me. I open the chat and text her


Hi grace, sorry I haven't answered.
I was really busy with my
physio appointment.
I was wondering if you
wanted to meet me tomorrow

After I send the text I leave his phone down in the bed waiting for her to reply.
It wasn't even 2 minutes and she replied


Hi grace, sorry I haven't answered.
I was really busy with my
physio appointment.
I was wondering if you
wanted to meet me on Thursday

Hi love, I would love to
just tell me the time we
are going to meet and next time
tell me you're going to an
appointment, I thought you
were ignoring me.

After Jude read the text, she called him. He had to obviously answer since she saw he read the text. He answered

"Hii" she said
"Hi"Jude replied
"How's your ankle ?
"It's still alittle sore but it's okay"
"That's good"

"Too me she doesn't sound so annoying" I say in my head

"Why don't you want to meet tomorrow?"she asks
"Uum..."he looks at me and I mouth what to say "I have another physio appointment so I'll be busy and it's Valentine's day so it'll be busy"
"You never have time for me" as she says that let out a laugh but stop as she here's me
"What was that?"
"Uh... It was the TV in the background"
"Yeah and like I said before you don't have time for me with theses physio appointments, can't you just cancel them.its not like you need them, you can walk"
"I can't because they help me recover faster and I need to get back on the pitch as soon as possible"he replies and looks at me dead in the eyes because I'm about to burst out laughing
"Okay, well when you recover fully we'll be able to see eachother whenever, right?"she says and something just snaps in Jude's head
"I can't wait for to meet you. I have to say it now "
She gets excited"yes, I'll be your girlfriend" she says and I leave the room cause I'm laughing so much
"What! No!I was saying that I'm not interested and I don't want to speak to you anymore!" Jude says harshly making me laugh more{I can't handle serious situations}
"What?!"she shouts on the phone
"Don't ever speak to me again!"she shouts again
"Gladly" Jude says and then ends the call and deleting her number and I finally come back in the room and he death stares me .
"Im sorry, she was just so weird, I just couldn't handle it"I say still breathless from laughing so much
"I'm just glad I did that"he says
"You should also block her in everything otherwise she's gonna start again"I say as I sit next to you.
He takes his phone and blocks her in everything and then puts it on charge
"Anyway,how was house shopping"he asks
"It was terrible till the last house. I'm pretty sure my agent did that because the last one was absolutely gorgeous"
"So did you put an offer on it ?"he asks
"I did, hopefully they get back to us soon"I say hopeful.
"That's good"he says "when do you start work?"he asks
"Well, I got a few modelling jobs in March and I also applied for another job"
"That's good and you'll be spending your birthday here "he says happily
"Yeah, I will and you better get me a gift"
"Of course I will he smiles

We talk for alittle longer and then we have dinner that we ordered because Denise was only back tomorrow and we didn't want to cook. After dinner we watched a movie and then went to sleep.

𝓙𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓼𝔂 |•𝑱𝒖𝒅𝒆 𝑩𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒉𝒂𝒎•|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora