Vol-1 Ch-14 The Angels and Demons

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I messaged Hiyori, about the syllabus she received for mid terms. She instantly sent me the pic of her exam syllabus.

"So, that's what going on. The school hid a test even in the syllabus. The test was to find out the real syllabus." I said.

"I don't understand, what do you mean Ayanokouji-kun." Ichinose said.

"The school gave each class some chapters which are actually coming in the exams mixed with some baits. Only the person who has the syllabus for all the classes will find out the common chapters, which is the actual syllabus." I explained.

"In a nutshell, every class is given 75% real topics and 25% baits. So, by seeing other classes syllabus. One can find out the actual syllabus. It is hard to find out with even two classes as there are some topics which are present in Class B and Class D syllabus, but aren't in the Class C. So that means those are fake too."

"Whoa, that's so smart. You really are intelligent Ayanokouji-kun. You figured out all of that, with just one clue." Ichinose looked at me with interest.

"It was a stroke of luck, if Amikura didn't notice our study material, we would have been in the dark. You clearly helped as well."

"Don't downplay your intelligence, Ayanokouji-kun."

"Are you two done flirting. We still have to find Class A's syllabus. How do we do that?" Amikura said.

"We can just ask them, right? Why is that a problem?" said Satou.

"If we do that, they will be suspicious of us and we don't want to do that. Class A is full of academically good students. If they have a handicap, we may have chance to win." Ichinose said.

She maybe naive, but she knows who is her enemy.

"Or we could just ignore them. We already have the upper hand due to the three classes working together, maybe we miss a couple of chapters. But Class A is at heavy disadvantage." I said.

"I can agree to that, let's not go poking when it's not necessary." she said.

This was good, not only I established an unofficial alliance with Class B. That may come handy later. But she fell into my trap as even though, Class B knew most of the syllabus. Class D will have the question paper itself. If my plans go alright.

"I will take a leave now, I have to tell my class about this development." she said.

Before she could leave, I stopped her.

"Ichinose, if I may ask. What is the official class representative tag? Is it something we have to assign in our class?"

"Yes, each class has to select a leader and a co-leader, who are the class representatives. We have to submit the names to our class teacher. You guys didn't know that?"

"No, maybe sensei forgot. Don't worry it's not a problem. That will be all."

Then she left with Amikura.

"Does that mean, we wasted our time studying this? We only have a week left for Mid terms. Oh! We are so screwed." Kei exclaimed.

"Don't say that Kei, studying is not a waste of time. Its always beneficial even if you study outside the syllabus. Moreover, these topics may come for our final exams." I said.

"But, we don't have time to study extra stuff. We would fail." said Nishimura.

"Trust me, I won't let you guys fail. It's a promise." I said with confidence.

"If Ayanokouji-kun says so." said Shinohara.

The study session continued as normal, albeit with a heavy environment.

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