"You were wasting time." Cameron frowned. "And we don't have all day. "The moment he made the sentence, I watched him turn his back to leave, but I wouldn't have it.

If he left, there was every tendency that I would fall and probably break both of my legs this time.

"Are you coming or..." the rest of his sentence died in his throat as I latched onto him, just before he could walk out on me again.

I didn't know what I was thinking or what I was expecting, but it was safe to say I didn't see myself being twirled around and pushed to the nearby wall, with no one else but Cameron freaking Diaz, only a breath away.

Green eyes bored into mine. His glare was so intense I shut my eyes in fear of what would happen next.

His cologne was a mix of sweat and cinnamon, with a musky finishing, and somehow I found it so hot my stomach churned.

"Why you little....." The bell signaling the end of the class cut Cameron short. My eyes flew open in a flurry just to meet Cameron's again.

They were devoid of any emotion, just pure rage and agonizing fury. "Dammit! Damn you!"

"Cameron, wait." But it was too late. He'd already taken a step back, taking his warmth along with him. "I'm sorry..."

"Save it." He snapped and I flinched. "We could have gotten there by now if...."

"What's going on here?" I'd never been more relieved to hear that voice.

I breathed a sigh of relief as Bennett walked out of the classroom just two doors away.

A flicker of confusion passed through his face as he took in the scene, Cameron and I being dangerously close didn't sound so appealing right now. "Cameron? Alyssa?"

"Of course you just had to show up." Cameron rolled his eyes as he clenched his fists. "You just had to, didn't you?"

"What's going on here?" Bennett repeated to Cameron this time more than me. "Cameron, what are you doing with Alyssa?"

"Isn't that cliche?" Cameron smirked as Bennett stalked towards him, a certain bounce in his step. "I should be the one asking you what you were doing with....."

"Enough!" I yelled, causing both boys to turn their attention to me.

It wasn't until after I'd yelled did I realize we weren't the only ones in the hallway. Apparently, the ending bell and the brother's high octave, had attracted a small number of people.

If you considered about a hundred pairs of eyes staring back at you like they wanted nothing more than to eat you whole to be small. "That's enough!"

"Did he hurt you?" Bennett was next to me in a matter of seconds. He took my hands in his as he stared at me, urging me to speak. "Come on Alyssa, you can tell me."

"I.." I swallowed, suddenly unable to form any words. "You see, the thing is..."

"Tell him the truth, Alyssa." Cameron barked again, cutting me short. I found myself gazing at him. What truth did he want me to tell? That I was hurt? And while on the way to bust Bennett too?
"Alyssa, the truth."

"I like to think she can speak for herself." Bennett joined our hands together, our fingers going over each other's. "So I'd like to hear from her and not you."

"It's nothing. For some strange reason, I couldn't hold Cameron's gaze.

I found myself looking at his black shoes and fun fact, they looked bigger than I expected. " I was just heading to the fountain and I tripped and sprained my ankle. It's nothing serious, I just bumped into him on the way."

"Lies!" Cameron looked like he could punch something right now, or even worse, someone.

"Are you calling my girlfriend a liar?" Bennett was literally head to head with Cameron in the blink of an eye. Our hands were still joined together and I tugged at him, hoping that would reel him in. "Is that what you're saying?"

"Tell him the truth, Alyssa." Cameron shot at me instead, his eyes holding some kind of emotion I found it hard to understand. " Come on."

"That's enough." Bennett beat me to speaking, and I wasn't sure if I was glad or not. "I think you should stay away from Alyssa from now on. I didn't think it would get to this but I don't think I can tolerate this anymore."

"Really?" Cameron scoffed more at me than anyone else. With his eyes still trained on me, he let out. "Maybe everyone is actually right and you're just booksmart, nothing else."

"You're just a book nerd who can't see past her big , round and bulky glasses." He pressed on as I shut my eyes, the sting of his words landing on every inch of my body. "You actually get on my nerves and you know what, you actually deserve what's coming to you."

And without giving me the luxury of having the last word, he stalked into the opposite direction, the crowd of students paving a makeshift path for him to pass.

Did it suddenly get hot in here, or is it just me?

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