Chapter 1

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Madison's POV

It was a sunny Saturday morning, and I woke up feeling a sense of contentment, I reached for my phone on the night stand and check today's date and time.

As I stretched in bed, a smile played on my lips. I woke up very late because I was up all night planning our two years anniversary. Xavier has been the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for and I am grateful for him.

Today was the day I had been eagerly anticipating. First, I would surprise my boyfriend, Xavier, with a special homemade breakfast. I had planned this for months so no way I wasn't going to make it flop.

Without hesitation, I got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen, ready to whip up a delicious feast for my man. The scent of sizzling bacon and brewing coffee filled the air, creating an inviting atmosphere. As I set the table with care, excitement coursed through me. I imagined the look of surprise and delight on Xavier's face when he walked into the kitchen.

"Something is cooking," My bestie, Violet said, the moment she entered the kitchen.

Violet and I have lived together since our college days and are more like sisters now.

"Remove your eyes, it's for my beloved," I giggled.

"You mean our beloved?" Violet teased.

"Mine, go get yours," I chuckled and playfully pushed her away from the kitchen.

"Whatever, whenever," Violet laughed and left the kitchen with some snacks in her hands.

An hour later, the food was ready, and everything was set. I eagerly awaited Xavier's arrival because he was supposed to come to my place, checking my phone from time to time to make sure he had messaged me about his delay but there was nothing. I put off my phone then put it on again in case it was my wifi.

But as minutes turned into hours, a flicker of doubt began to creep into my mind. It was unlike him to be late without notifying me, and my initial excitement gradually gave way to a gnawing sense of unease.

Unable to shake off the growing sense of unease, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I grabbed my car keys and headed to Xavier's apartment, hoping to surprise him there but a bigger part of me hoped he was okay. As I pulled up in front of the building, my heart raced with a mix of anticipation and anxiety.

I made my way up the stairs to his apartment, my footsteps echoing in the silence. As I reached the door, I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. Without thinking, I inserted the key Xavier had given me into the lock and turned the knob.

But what I saw shattered my world in an instant, it was something no woman would ever dream of seeing, The scene before me was something straight out of a nightmare. There, in the living room, I saw Xavier locked in an intimate embrace with another woman. Shocked and heartbroken, I stood frozen, unable to comprehend the betrayal unfolding before my eyes.

"Xavier! what the actual fuck," I yelled, my breath caught up in my throat.

the blonde lady picked up the bedsheet to cover her body and Xavier wore his underwear while I stared at both of them in disgust.

Xavier's face became pale, "it's not what you think," that was the first word I heard for Xavier's mouth. was he trying to gaslight me?

As the initial shock subsided, "You bastard from the burning pit of hell," anger surged through my veins as I picked up a pillow and threw it at him.

"Madi listen," Xavier tried to explain as he avoided the pillow from hitting him.

"Why? why!" I yelled at Ryan and the woman, whose name I didn't even know.

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