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With a smile that could light up the darkest of rooms, Fred greeted Ava, taking the stack of textbooks from her arms effortlessly. "Hey, beautiful," he said, his voice a melody of warmth and familiarity. Ava rolled her eyes playfully at the compliment but couldn't hide the blush that crept up her cheeks.

Together, they strolled down the hallway, comfortable and in sync with each other. Their popularity at Elmridge Elite Academy wasn't merely because of Fred's position on the hockey team or their respective roles in various school clubs and activities; it was their undeniable charisma and the effortless way they seemed to complement each other that drew admiring glances from fellow students.

Reaching their lockers, which stood side by side, they showcased the contrasts that defined them. Ava's locker was a vibrant display of her personality, adorned with pink wallpapers and a collection of flowery decals, exuding a cheerful and gentle aura. In contrast, Fred's locker was a bold statement of his interests, plastered with rock band posters and memorabilia from various sports, a testament to his dynamic and spirited nature.

As they exchanged books for the ones needed for homework, their conversation naturally drifted to the upcoming hockey state-level championship game. "It's going to be a tough few weeks," Fred admitted, closing his locker with a thud. "Coach is doubling our practice sessions."

Ava leaned against her locker, her expression marked by worry. "Just make sure you're not overexerting yourself, okay? We can't afford to have our lead scorer sidelined."

"Yeah, coach has been relentless. He's been saying that if we want to take down West New York Academy at the state-level championship, we need to be at the top of our game," Fred replied, acknowledging the high stakes of their upcoming hockey match in March.

Ava moved a bit closer, her voice laced with concern. "I understand wanting to win, especially with the championship against our rivals just around the corner, but don't forget to look after yourself. Between daily practice on the ice and your late-night study sessions, when do you even get a moment to breathe?"

Fred offered a half-smile, his determination clear despite the evident exhaustion. "I'll have plenty of time to rest once we've clinched that title. Right now, I need to lead by example. We've got a reputation to maintain, and I can't let the team—or myself—down, not when we're this close to facing West New York Academy in the finals."

Ava shook her head, her voice firm yet laced with affection. "Frederick, being the best doesn't mean working yourself to the ground. Remember, it's okay to take a break. We all want you at your best, especially during the game."

Before Fred could respond, Troy and Eric bounded up, their arrival punctuated by Troy's booming voice. "Look at you two, Elmridge's dynamic duo. Planning strategy or just sweet talking?"

Fred rolled his eyes, a playful jab at the longstanding joke among their friends. "A bit of both, maybe. Ava's just making sure I don't turn into a hockey-playing zombie by next month."

Eric laughed, clapping Fred on the back. "Good luck with that. Coach has been on a warpath. But hey, if anyone can handle it, it's you."

Ava smiled, grateful for the support their friends provided. "Thanks, guys. Just make sure he eats and sleeps, okay? And maybe sneaks in a bit of fun?"

"That's our cue," Troy chimed in, grinning. "Speaking of fun, let's grab lunch. My treat today. I won a little bet with the math club."

Ava and Fred, having been best friends since childhood, navigated the halls of Elmridge Elite Academy with an ease and closeness that often sparked rumors among their classmates. Their friendship, rich with years of shared memories and an unmistakable affection, sometimes blurred the lines in the eyes of their peers, leading to whispered speculations about a romance. 

The Illusion Of UsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ