Chapter Thirty Seven

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The heaviness and anger continued through me the next day when the sun was just starting to shine in through the window.  What Eric told me was true. He wouldn't lie to me about what he saw right in front of him. But I needed to confirm it with someone else.

None of the others were awake, so this was my chance to get out. Quickly getting dressed, I slipped through the door, hoping that the one person that could help me with this was awake.

As I walked down hallways that seemed endless, nodding at passerbys, I came across a door with windows on the sides. Out of curiousity, I peeked in and saw someone sitting with their hands on their knees.

Opening the door and stepping in quietly, I made sure not to disturb the person and I wandered around the room.

"Can I help you?"

I turned around. "Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you, I was just looking for someone." As I took a look at the person, I noticed that he looked familiar.

"Oh, well okay. Who are you looking for?" He asked.

"Youre-- you're George Wu, aren't you?" I said. He nodded. "Yes I am. What can I help you with?" His voice had a low rumble in it, much opposite of Tori's voice. 

"I was wondering about something. You've been here for a long time haven't you?"

He nodded.

"Well I was just wondering about something. Yesterday, after our run to get the kids from the fringe, Eric told me that they put a mask over their nose and mouth to wipe their memory, is that really true?"

"Yes it is."

"Why is David doing that?"

"I haven't had the chance to ask him."

"Okay, thank you." I muttered. Unlike Amar, he ws very blunt with his answers and didn't give that much of an explanation. But that was alright. The answer that he gave me was more than enough confirmation to back up with what Eric said.

"Anything else?" He asked.

"No, thank you. That was plenty enough for what I needed."

"Alright then." He continued on what he was doing as I left the room. My feet padded down the hall until I got back to the room. Eric's bed was empty; so was Tris's.

The shower was also running, one of them must be in there.

Laying in Eric's bed, I wasted no time getting underneath the covers and getting myself comfortable. It was still pretty early so the others were asleep still and it would be pretty quiet if everyone was still in bed.

It was until the bathroom door opened and I could finally see that it was Eric that was in the shower. I quickly shut my eyes and burrowed down in the sheets as he stepped closer to the bed.

"What are you doing in my bed?" He whispered as he tucked me in. "Are you actually asleep or are you pretending to be?"

"I'm asleep," I muttered.

"How can you be asleep when you're saying you're asleep? Huh?" He said. I felt the blush on my cheeks get larger until he tried to pull the sheet down.

"I knew it you're not asleep you're just pretending to be." He exclaimed as he revealed the smile on my face.

"Okay you caught me, I'm not sleeping." I said. "I thought it was cute."

"And so it was," he said, kissing my hair. "I'm going to finish getting dressed, is that okay?"

"Mhm hm." I nodded as he took off back to the bathroom. His sheets smelled like his old self, like who he was when he was with me. I didn't think that was possible.

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