"Wuv? What's wuv? Do you mean Love?"

"Yes," Bill huffed, looking up to pout at Andy.

"I don't understand you. But perhaps it is better that way," Andy half smiled.

"Exactly, you didn't kick my ass. Keller did. And also remember that I owe him an ass kicking."

Miley went to tell Bill to sit back when Tom came into the room and immediately scolded Bill for doing something so dangerous. Bill sighed while slipping back into the bed and huddling under the covers. He hated when Tom got overprotective, while he understood why he was being so much; Bill preferred it when Tom was chill instead of when he played adult. That's how Bill saw it, all the responsibility was because Bill was his kid brother and he never wanted Bill to forget it.

"How are you feeling?" Tom asked finally after he cooled off. At least he wasn't yelling at him in German anymore.

"Like someone hit me upside the head. Keller hit the fucking table with me," Bill hissed.

"I saw the footage. Don't remind me. Do you remember what happened after?"

"No. I just remember going to detention, having the argument and then I'm here," Bill exhaled, sinking into the seat.

"Well, luckily you're okay, because you experienced a major seizure event, you were in status epilepticus for at least an hour before I got there," Tom sighed.

"What?! But Mi, you said," Bill paused. "I want to kill that motherfucker."

"Considering you're able to make threats, I would say that the doctor was correct in saying you should make a full recovery soon," Tom smirked.

"No I'm serious," Bill perched up over the blanket. "That asshole flipped me. I remember my feet coming off the ground and my entire body hitting something before it goes black."

"He slammed you into his desk," Tom explained. "You slipped on your bag when he grabbed you so when you landed after he swung you, you immediately hit the desk."

"Fuck him. I want to kill him. I want a fair fight. I wasn't going to kick my teacher's ass in school grounds. So he can sue me? Nope. And he knew that if I got up I was going to kick his ass."

"Explains why you kept falling out of the seat in the video," Tom sighed.

"Pet? You were flung?"

"Sounds like it," Bill huffed.

He sank into the bed, stared at the wall over his knees. He hated feeling so small, his head was killing and he couldn't get anymore painkillers. He didn't realize he had been frozen until Tom transported to the spot next to him and Miley was at the door looking down the hall.

"Hey, you okay?" Tom asked.

"Yeah? Something happen?"

"We lost you for a second. Andy asked if you wanted something to drink and you never answered."

"Oh," Bill faded, eyelids flickering rapidly.

"He's gone again," Tom frowned. "You found that doctor yet, Miley?"

"She's coming now," Miley replied, bringing her to the teen frozen in his stare.

"Back to back?" She asked.

"Yeah," Tom nodded.

She put the penlight in his eyes just as he swatted it away.

"What the fuck?" Bill cursed.

"Hey, back with us? Can you hear me?"

"Yeah I can hear you. I'm an epileptic not deaf," Bill shot back.

My Choice (Third in the "Baby Brother Series)Where stories live. Discover now