The Zonai picked up the guitar, looking at it carefully. It looked brand new and unused, the strings looked brand new and the whole thing was covered in dust.

"Hm..." (Y/N) decided to kill some time by decorating the guitar as they waited for Revali to come back.

After a few minutes, (Y/N) had completely made the guitar look much more unique. With the help of their dagger, the guitar had a big carving of a tree covering most of it, and a signature of their name on the back.

"Done!" (Y/N) chimed, admiring their work. "Looks good. But now... gotta put it to the test."

While Revali kept flying around, the faint sound of guitar strings being strummed in a melody caught his attention.

He stopped soaring across the cave and sat on the small stalagmite in the middle of the cave, which reached high enough to let him see what was going on inside the cabin. Revali's face flushed slightly when he saw what was going on. (Y/N) was playing the guitar, and quite beautifully at that.

"God... Why is that of all things making me blush?" The Rito complained to himself as he kept looking and listening. "Wait... They didn't see my violin, did they?!" His blush deepened slightly.

Revali quickly soared back to the cabin.

"Finally got done training?" (Y/N) smiled, looking up at him with those adorable (E/C) eyes as they kept strumming the strings of their guitar. "You look... flushed." They chuckled softly, noticing the soft blush on Revali's face.

"Shut it." Revali grunted as he sat down next to (Y/N). They were surprisingly warm, even in the cold weather their fur stayed warm and cozy... "Where did you get that guitar?"

"Oh, it was laying there next to your violin."

Revali froze up for a second when (Y/N) specifically said it was his violin. Although... it didn't bother him for some reason. "Oh... right."

"Didn't expect musical talent out of them..." Revali couldn't help but smile as he stared at (Y/N), noticing every slight movement and expression on their face. "I wonder..."

Revali slowly but surely leaned onto (Y/N)'s arm, the warmth coming from both of them making a comfortable atmosphere. A very red blush covered their faces as they each tried to hide their flustered state.

-Revali's POV-

"Yawn... it's getting late, isn't it?" (Y/N) rubbed their eyes, their long hair and scarf flowing with the soft wind that flowed through the hut.

"I suppose so... I do not feel a tad tired though." I winked and smugly smiled, trying to cover my own fluster. "I shouldn't have leaned into them... I just got all flustered."

"Right..." (Y/N) chuckled. "I suppose I'll be on my way." The music stopped abruptly as (Y/N) stood up to leave, placing the guitar on their back.

"I'll go with you." I quickly got up too. I'd normally just not care and be on my own way, but...

"Wait, really?" (Y/N) chuckles. "Wasn't expecting that from you."

"Shut it..." I grunted and walked forward. "Follow me."

The snow fell from the sky, the moon shines above us, and the wind flowed through. It was beautiful...

I don't know why, but I feel more comfortable around (Y/N). More... safe. Why? The truth is, I don't really know.

There's a spark in them. A spark that I like.

"Revali, are you alright?." (Y/N) tapped my shoulder. "Too tired?"

"Definitely not." In reality, I was exhausted. A yawn creeped its way out of me, and I couldn't really hold it back. "... alright maybe a little bit."

"Well... you did train a lot today." (Y/N) seemed worried about me. Don't know why. I always train a lot, but never get this exhausted.

"I suppose so..." I shrugged. "I still have some energy in me."

That comfortable silence filled the air around us as the snow fell from the sky.

"You look cute when you're sleepy." (Y/N) spoke out of nowhere.

"I-... What?" I could feel my face blushing again. How many times have I blushed today? No idea, but it's way more than I would've liked.

"It's true." (Y/N) chuckled.

I froze. What could I say?! They just called me cute!

"... You're the cute one." I replied as if I were insulting them. It took me a second to realize what I just said to (Y/N). "Wait-"

"So you think I'm cute too?" (Y/N) chuckled, seeing how nervous I was. God, how embarrassing...

"Stop it."

"Oh poor poor Revali!"

"Shut up!"

"Nope! You can't stop meeee~"

"You're acting childishly!"

"That's the point! C'mon Revali, loosen up a little. Have some fun!"

"Oh, you want fun?!" I grabbed some snow from the floor and threw it at (Y/N)'s face. "Have that for fun, you dumb goat!"

"Ohohoh, it's on, bird!"


We fought for a loooong while. In the end, both of us were too tired to walk to Rito Village, so we just went back to the hut.

"Huff... you're good at snowball fights." (Y/N) admitted as we sat in the hut, exactly where we were sat just a while ago.

"I'm good at everything."

After a small while, we just stopped talking and stared at the campfire. )Y/N) played a calm little tune with the guitar, just trying to keep the mood as calm as possible.

I think I might've gotten a little too cozy though...

I was half-asleep in within minutes.

"Revali..." (Y/N) spoke up suddenly. I didn't give it much thought, I was too tired to answer.


Not happening, pretty face.

I felt (Y/N)'s gaze turn to me as I drifted off into a deep sleep. I swear I could hear him audibly "aww" at me. But... whatever. I guess I'm fine with being called cute... just by them...

-Narrator POV-

"Guess he was tired."

(Y/N) closed my eyes, trying to drift off into sleep. Their fluffy, warm bodies giving eachother comfort.

The snow kept falling from the sky, the sound of owls hooting in the distance, and the fire crackling in front of the couple. So cozy...

"Since I met Revali, time's moving so much slower. It feels so surreal. I still can't believe what's going on. It's so dreamy." (Y/N) thought as they themselves drifted into sleep.

"I feel like something's changing. Not only in Revali. Something in me. I feel better like I've never felt before, I've blushed way too many times today. This feels wrong... but so good at the same time. I've never felt this way. I hope this feeling lasts forever..."

A/N: This has been the chapter with most changes so far, so...

Promise (Revali x Reader) (Rewritten!) (ON HIATUS THANKS TO LACK OF IDEAS!)Where stories live. Discover now